Cotton Production in Xinjiang!

Chandran Nair: White Racism Behind West’s “Anti-China” Hysteria! (26.5.2024)

Tell the truth | “Why are the anti-China narratives in Western media so hysterical?” 2023-05-25 09:46 Xinhua News Agency, Kuala Lumpur, May 24th (Reporters Mao Pengfei [毛鹏飞] & Wang Yi [汪艺])

Why are the anti-China narratives in some Western media currently showing a kind of hysteria? Based on his many years of personal experience and first-line observations across East and West, Chandran Nair, founder and CEO of the Global Future Institute, pointed out that this is driven by ideological bias. In a recent exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters in Kuala Lumpur, Nair said that the Western media’s concerted efforts to smear China are rooted in racism and “white privilege” thinking. He reminded that the world is facing an unprecedented war of public opinion and people “need more non-Western news sources.”

Prejudice has roots Nair pointed out that as a country that did not develop according to the Western political and economic model, how could China develop so fast? So successful? The Western media does not understand this, and is not willing to try to understand it. The biggest characteristic of its anti-China narrative is that it is driven by ideological bias, constantly attacking China with fictional facts, and thus falling into a kind of hysteria. All kinds of routines are boring—— Either it promotes the China threat theory, or it tries to blame China for everything. “Why is China a threat? They have not given an explanation.” Faced with anti-China narratives produced by Western media without evidence, Nair often feels confused and angry. “Is it just because China’s economy is getting bigger? I don’t understand why this is a problem.”

Nair said that the Western media went from attacking China’s economy to attacking China’s political system. In their view, “China and the Chinese Communist Party must be demonized,” but they were unable to produce evidence. “The Chinese Communist Party is governing its own country, not theirs. Besides, just look at their respective development data.” Nair believes that the Western media’s arrogance, prejudice and concerted smear campaign against China are also rooted in deep-rooted racism, with the purpose of continuing to maintain its “white privilege” around the world.

When the West faced a non-Western civilization of comparable strength for the first time in centuries, the United States, paranoid about “I am the boss,” was unwilling to accept this fact. The so-called “rules-based international order” led by the West is motivated by its own selfish interests, and its inner drama is – “This is our order, not your order” and “other types of orders are not allowed to emerge.” On March 18th, anti-war activists held a rally in Lafayette Square, north of the White House, in Washington, the capital of the United States, urging the U.S. government to reflect on the Iraq war and calling on the United States to shut down the “war machine.”

Some people held balloons or placards with words such as “China is not our enemy” and “Build schools, don’t build bombs.” Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Jie For example, Nair said that the Western media deliberately tied Sri Lanka’s debt issue to China’s “One Belt – One Road” cooperation project, and Sri Lanka had to come forward to clarify that the facts were not as described by the Western media. “This is how the Western media will continue to demonize China.” Distortion has no bottom line Since moving to Hong Kong in the 1990s, Nair has traveled to most of China. From the eastern coast to the western region, from rural towns to first-tier cities, he closely observed China’s earth-shaking and rapid development in recent decades, and the huge role played by China’s political parties and political system in it.

Nair pointed out that compared with what he saw with his own eyes, the anti-China narrative in the Western media just revealed their lack of proper understanding of China. “On the night when China’s bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games was successful, I happened to be in Beijing. I went to Tiananmen Square and saw the Chinese people celebrating with joy. But when I turned on the international media the next day, I saw almost all negative reports.” He Say, “This is so unfair!” Since then, he has increasingly seen the Western media’s “one-sided” anti-China narrative. “No matter which (Western) country’s media, they cannot say that China has any advantages.” In 2019, the “extradition bill storm” occurred in Hong Kong, China, and the distorted reports of the Western media made Nair even more stunned. “I was in Hong Kong at the time, but when I saw Hong Kong reported on the BBC and CNN reports, I thought it was two different places.” Nair grew up in multi-ethnic and multi-cultural Malaysia. In order to understand China’s ethnic policies, Nair visited many ethnic minority areas in China and felt the local people’s sense of identity with the country.

Nair pointed out that the negative reports in the Western media that there are “Concentration Camps” for ethnic minorities in Xinjiang are “complete lies” and “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist’s mind to see through them.” In Yuli County, Xinjiang, cotton farmers conduct spring sowing operations (photo taken on March 29, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hao Zhao Before Eid al-Fitr, Nair posted a video on social media showing how Muslims in different countries celebrate Eid al-Fitr. It started with a scene in Xi’an, China. “When I shared this video with some friends, they actually asked, ‘This is China?'” Nair’s reply to his friends was – “You should really go to China and see it with your own eyes.” “More non-Western sources are needed”!

Malaysia was once a Western colony, and Nair recalled that when he was young, he also fell into the information cocoon spun by the Western media. “When I was listening to the BBC broadcast when I was 10 years old, I thought to myself, this is the language of the Queen of England, and the Queen also listens to the BBC. The BBC must be right, and I must believe it,” he said. As an adult, he lived and worked in Africa, where he became more deeply aware of the exploitation and control of the world by Western colonial rule and the role that Western media played in it. Nair believes that the various attack patterns of the Western media are not only unfair to China alone. Their target is China today, and they can target any other country and region tomorrow.

On February 5th, 2003, then-U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell briefed a public meeting of the United Nations Security Council on the so-called evidence that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction. More than a month later, the United States and its allies ignored the strong opposition of the international community, bypassed the Security Council and launched the Iraq War on trumped-up charges. Powell has since publicly admitted that this speech was his “stain”.

“I am not a fool. I know how the Western media distorted the facts when they reported that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.” Nair said, and went on to emphasize a helpless reality – Western imperialism still affects the world today, especially thanks to technological advantages, the powerful Western media still controls international public opinion to a large extent. Nair pointed out that people should be aware that the world is facing an unprecedented war of public opinion, and he hopes to see more reports from global media in Asia, Africa and the Middle East in the future. “We need more non-Western news sources so that readers can learn more about global issues and avoid falling victim to Western public opinion wars,” he said. -END-

Planning: Ni Siyi (倪四义) Producer: Feng Junyang (冯俊扬) Coordinator: Xie Peng (谢鹏), Yan Junyan (闫珺岩), Qi Zijian (齐紫剑), Xu Haijing (徐海静), Liu Chang (刘畅) Executor: Sun Hao (孙浩) Reporters: Mao Pengfei (毛鹏飞) & Wang Yi (汪艺) Video: Wang Pei (王沛) Editors: Sun Hao (孙浩), Zhang Dailei (张代蕾), Liang Shanggang (梁尚刚), Cheng Dayu (程大雨) Produced by Xinhua News Agency International Department Produced by Xinhua News Agency International Communication Integration Platform

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Chinese Language Text:

2023-05-25 09:46
3月18日,反战人士在美国首都华盛顿市白宫北侧拉斐特广场举行集会,敦促美国政府反思伊拉克战争,呼吁美国关停“战争机器”。有人举着印有“中国不是我们的敌人”“要建学校,别造炸弹”等字样的气球或标语牌。新华社记者刘杰 摄
在新疆尉犁县,棉农进行春播作业(3月29日摄,无人机照片)。新华社记者 郝昭 摄
统筹:谢鹏 闫珺岩 齐紫剑 徐海静 刘畅
记者:毛鹏飞 汪艺
编辑:孙浩 张代蕾 梁尚刚 程大雨