Joe Louis Destroys the Nazi Max Schmeling!

The Great Joe Louis Took-On – and Finally Defeated – Hitlerism During the 1930s! (26.5.2024)

The First Fight – Hitlerism Gets the Upper-Hand!

Max Schmeling was a Professional Boxer in Germany before Adolf Hitler came to power during early 1933. Max Schmeling was a good Boxer and the Champion of Germany. Indeed, in his first fight with Joe Louis – held on June 19th, 1936 at Yankee Stadium, Bronx, NY, USA – he eventually won a very technical non-title fight during the 12th round. The problem was that after Hitler’s rise to power – every activity throughuout Nazi Germany became interpreted through the rubric of the pseudo-science of “Racial Supremacy”. A Boxer won – according to Hitler – not because the Boxer had trained effectively and efficiency during the time-period leading up to the fight, but rather because his racial make-up had somehow manifested through his fists! In their first fight, Joe Louis was taken by surprise by a very good (late) punch during a fight that was equal in its tenacity. Of course, “why” Joe Louis allowed the fight to be so equal is open to debate and dispute. Was Max Schmeling as good as Joe Louis – or was Joe Louis on a low ebb during the first fight?

Second Fight – Hitlerism is Destroyed!

Joe Louis vs Max Schmeling (2nd meeting) took place on June 22nd, 1938 in Yankee Stadium, (the Bronx), New York, United States. Joe Louis appears to be functioning on a totally different psychological and physical plane of existence! Max Schmeling made much of the Nazi regime’s ideology and symbolism – giving the impression that his “race” was the prime-mover behind his earlier win over Joe Louis! Joe Louis was well-trained and mentally focused upon the task at hand! He understood that the whole world was watching to see if Hitler’s “racism” or Joe Louis’s “hard work” would win the day! Joe Louis made such a statement on that day that the world is still resonating from the ideological power of his punches – which ended the fight in the 1st round – successfully defending the World Heavyweight Title! Two-weeks later, Max Schmeling had to be carried onto a ship bound for Germany whilst still lying upon a stretcher due to a broken vertebrae in his lower back – and his many other injuries – all caused by the destructive power of Joe Louis’s punches!.

The Beautiful Poise of Joe Louis!

The reality is that many White Americans cheered the victory of Max Schmeling over Joe Louis in 1936! This was viewed as a victory for “White” people over “Black” people and a re-affirming of “White” dominance throughout society – and sport. Even during 1938 – and the destructive victory of Joe Louis over Max Schmeling – many “White” American were supportive of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany! Black people – and other non-White people – perceived these fights (particularly the 2nd fight) – saw Joe Louis as being indicative of “Resistance” against “White” oppression in general – and Hitler’s extreme and enhanced “White” Supremacy specifically! As many Americans were of Italian and Germanic origination – the support of European fascism throughout America was considered quite natural and an important part of Social Darwinism.

The above photograph depicts Boxer Max Schmeling during his Hitlerite Military Service with the Nazi German “Luftwaffe” (Air Force) as a “Fallschirmjäger” (Paratrooper), he was wounded by shrapnel during the Battle of Crete and was deemed physically unfit for further Military Service. Max Schmeling was born in 1905 and passed away in 2005 – aged 99-years old! Although Joe Louis joined the US Military during WWII – he was treated very badly and was reduced to poverty after the War due to receiving a huge tax bill! Joe Louis was born in 1914 and passed away during 1981 – aged just 66-years old. Max Schmeling out-lived Joe Louis by 24-years!