Yunnan Daoists Raise the Red Flag! (4.7.2018)

This progressive policy is referred to as pursuing ‘Country Flag Law’ (国旗法 – Guo Qi Fa) which states that all religions have a right exist and be practiced as long as those responsible for their teaching avoid superstition and ignorance and do not deceive or harm the people in any way. As each religion supports Socialism in China, the Chinese State protects and preserves each spiritual path. Through this act, Yunnan Daoists have confirmed their support to the Constitution of China which has improved the lives of the people beyond the reforming actions of any other Government in history!

Bay Care (Torquay) Not Subject to FOI Requests! (26.8.2019)

Finally, all government departments are subject to ‘Freedom of Information’ (FOI) Requests – but ‘Bay Care’ – as a private firm, is not. This is an important observation as Bay Care staff are trained to ‘write everything down’ in a notebook dedicated to each client or household they gain access to. These books are used to violate privacy and even record the names of visiters, and where everyone in the household has gone during a particular day, before returning home! Bay Care staff even collect data about individuals not subject to the ‘Care Orders’ that facilitate their entry into your homes!

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