Support Greece Against EU Tyranny – London Rally – 6pm 29.6.15

Greece can lead the way for other European nations to follow. Europe can reject US Imperialism and its EU lackeys! Greece should pull-out of the EU – and the UK should follow this example. The EU is the enemy of the working class and the enemy of Socialism! Once a nationalised industry is privatised – under EU law it can never be ‘re-nationalised’. This is an EU charter for the destruction of any working class movement toward Socialism and the dislodging of the middle class from its position of abusive power.

Learning Humility and Respect for China

Another issue is that of Eurocentric academics who write tomes apparently ‘correcting’ Chinese people’s distorted interpretations of the world, without the slightest sense of awareness that what they are doing is committing academic inspired racism. This is because they are commenting on and criticising an entirely ‘imagined’ Chinese community that only exists in their minds,

Anti-Austerity March – London – 20.6.15

On top of this, the ordinary people in the UK – by far the majority – are experiencing their quality of life diminishing along with their life expectancy. The minority rich are getting richer whilst the majority poor and ordinary are being slowly but deliberately deprived of dignity and life – tis is why we marched through London today with 250,000 other people!

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