The Bourgeois State and Feminism

Bourgeois feminism is very different. This is the feminism of the middle class, and already socially privileged women. These women, as wives of the rich and famous, have had historically a remarkable amount of leisure time and relative freedom compared to their working class counter-parts. This apparent ‘freedom’ exists only within the framework of an unquestionable bourgeois patriarchy. It is freedom at a cost and the cost is humanity living free of oppression. Middle class women have had access to a greater array of educational facilities, be they teachers, books, or academic instruction. Middle class women fought for, and finally secured the vote because their privileged socio-economic conditions allowed them the insight to see partly beyond their own negative conditioning. Bourgeois feminism is nothing more than the exercise of political compromise as whatever concessions are granted to a middle class woman, they can not be allowed to directly challenge or alter the essential framework of the bourgeois exploitative state. Exploitation and class difference must be allowed to continue unopposed, in the old way.

UN Anti-Racism Day – London March Saturday 22.3.14

UN anti-racism is thoroughly bourgeois in nature and those of the Left should treat it with the contempt it deserves, whilst simultaneously using the ‘official status’ of the UN day to work for the true ending of racism through the complete over-throw of the inherently unequal, uncaring, and brutal bourgeois capitalist system. Bourgeois ‘equality’ is not equality at all, but a sinister mirage designed to make fools of its intended beneficiaries.