US Supported Japan – Not North Korea – is the Greatest Threat to Peace in Asia!

Moreover, whilst ‘capitalist’ Japan complains about the North Korean missile that landed harmlessly in waters off it coast (according to the bourgeois press), perhaps the government of Japan would like to issue an ‘official’ apology for the hundreds of thousands (even ‘millions’) of innocent Chinese, Korean, Russian, Burmese, Indian, Filipino, Indonesian and Western men, women and children its military murdered across Asia from 1931 – 1945!

India’s Embrace of (Eurocentric) Anti-China Racism and the Dalai Lama

I have been astonished (on more than one occasion). to witness intelligent Indian people that I know on social media – trumpeting BJP anti-China racism – and repeating news stories that are obviously ‘false’! Much of the anti-China film footage from these fake news stories is filmed in the US colony of Taiwan – where the Chinese language dialogue is different to that expected on the Mainland, the uniforms of the military are inaccurate, and the behaviour of the officials (or soldiers shown) is distinctly ‘non-Chinese’!

Tank Museum (Dorset) – Soviet and Other Relevant Tanks (26.8.2017)

We teach our children that war is wrong – but that sometimes wars need to be thought in ‘self-defence’ – until humanity evolves beyond this stupid and disastrous manner of interacting. It is also important for the younger generation to realise the sacrifices and destruction endured by China, the USSR and Europe in the 20th century fight against the forces of International Fascism.

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