Lenin: Conversation with Clara Zetkin (1920) – Her Recollections! (31.12.2022)

Clara Zetkin was sent by Rosa Luxemburg to set Lenin straight over issues of the rights of women – and the direction and tone of the Revolution in general! Rosa Luxemburg – like many adherents of the failed Second International – disagreed with Lenin and his ‘Third International and suggested the Revolutionary Movement should cooperate with the existing Bourgeois status quo to a greater extent, and back away from the idea of ‘overthrowing’ the capitalist system! In this regard, and when taking these attitudes into account, Rosa Luxemburg sailed very close to the Trotskyite position of collaboration with reaction. Indeed, she would eventually be murdered by one of her former students – a tragic end that reveals the limitations of her attitudes. Below is an English translation of a text originally written in the German language by Clara Zetkin recalling her memories of a number of discussions, she had with Lenin during late 1920 in Moscow as the Russian Civil War was still raging and Lenin (and the Communist Party) were planning the forming of large federal Socialist State as a means to generating the conditions for a better form of military self-defence from attack by the capitalist world. During early 1918, Revolutionary Russia had been invaded by Imperial Germany and six of her Allies, and by the UK, US and twelve of their Allies! This war would last from 1918-1921 and cost the Russian people 10.5 million casualties! Imperial Japan would only abandon Vladivostok during October 1922 – just before the forming of the ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’ (USSR) on December 30th, 1922! Meanwhile, far from telling Lenin what to do or think, Clara Zetkin found herself converted by his intelligence and insight and returned to Germany informing all and sundry that Lenin was right, and that Rosa Luxemburg should listen and learn from Lenin! Marxist-Leninist ‘Feminism’ is the only truly ‘Revolutionary’ path for women and is very different to the ‘Bourgeois’ mock-feminism that abounds today! For women to be truly ‘free’ – predatory capitalism must be overthrown completely and there can be no compromise whatsoever on this point! Anyone woman that compromises with capitalism is a traitor to the Revolutionary cause!

LPR: 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the USSR (1922) – and Co-Opting into the Communist Party of Russia! (31.12.2022)

The Communist Party Forum elected the following governing bodies: the Republic Committee, the Polit-Bureau, the Secretariat and the Control and Auditing Commission. Igor Gumenyuk (Игорь Гуменюк) was elected First Secretary of the Republic Committee. The following were elected Secretaries and Members of the Polit-Bureau: Alexander Ermolenko (2nd Secretary), Valentin Popov (Валентин Попов), Dmitry Koshman (Дмитрий Кошман), Anatoly Sobolev (Анатолий Соболев) and Stanislav Rozhnov (Станислав Рожнов).

This day will forever remain in the memory of every Lugansk Communist – as this is a starting point for the work of a NEW Russian Communist Party Organization. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the ONLY force in Russia that cares about the plight of the working people and which has been supporting the beleaguered people of Donbass for the last eight years now (since 2014)!

DPR: The 100th Anniversary of the USSR was Celebrated in Donetsk (30.12.2022)

“We are holding a solemn and respectful meeting dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the USSR (in 1922). Today the theme of the Centenary of the creation of the USSR is on the front page of our ongoing work. We will revive our land, and together with other fraternal and friendly nations we will build a peace-loving, strong, just, Socialist homeland – a ‘new’ USSR!” he said.

100th Anniversary of the Founding of the USSR (1922)! ‘Soviet Man’ By Alexander Werth! (30.12.2022)

Author’s Note: Alexander Werth was born in Russia in 1901 and emigrated to the UK with his family during the 1917 Russian Revolution. Although his father had been a railwayman (and working-class) – following his early death his mother had remarried a thoroughly ‘Bourgeois’ banker – which led to him being forcibly ‘extracted’ out of Revolutionary Russia at the critical moment of its greatest humanitarian success! Despite a thoroughly ‘Bourgeois’ upbringing in the UK – an ‘English Gentleman’ no less – Alexander Werth retained an interest in the machinations of his Russian (Soviet) homeland, an interest bolstered by the fact that he could fluently read, write and speak the Russian language! Indeed, working as a BBC Journalist during WWII, Alexander Werth secured a permanent frontline posting with the Soviet Red Army and witnessed first-hand the barbarism of the Nazi German invasion! Due to his loyalty to the Soviet Cause, after the conflict he was granted a face-to-face interview with Comrade Joseph Stalin – who assured him that the USSR would NEVER go to war with the US or UK – as both countries (and peoples) had diligently stood by the USSR as reliable ‘Allies’ during the darkest days of the Nazi German (and ‘Axis’) invasion! Stalin was particularly appreciative of the UK which had stood alone from 1939-1941 – an example which had inspired the Soviet people to endure the unendurable! Having spent the years 1941-1949 in the USSR – Alexander Werth returned in 1959 to see what changes had occurred following Khrushchev’s denouncement of Joseph Stalin! In his book ‘Russia At War’, Alexander Werth had exposed the fact that Nikita Khrushchev – the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Ukraine – had been given the task of coordinating and leading the defence of the region against the Nazi German onslaught during 1941! Khrushchev had ordered the Soviet Red Army in the region to ‘fight to the last man’ whilst he quietly caught the last aeroplane out – thus abandoning the Communist Party and the Red Army to their horrific fates! Stalin knew about Khrushchev’s cowardice and there was always the threat of Khrushchev being arrested and tried for his behaviour – when Stalin had fewer pressing issues to deal with! This is the basis behind Khrushchev’s betrayal of Stalin and the adoption of a Trotskyite direction the USSR adopted after 1956 (resisted by Maoist China)! It is interesting to note that Marshal Zhukov REFUSED Khrushchev’s demands that he alters his biography and ‘denounce’ Joseph Stalin! In many ways the book extracted here covers the Marxist-Leninist ground that served as the foundation of the USSR! Although entitled ‘Soviet Man’ – today this title might be better translated as ‘Soviet Person’ or even ‘Soviet Humanity’, etc, as such a ‘new’ Socialist human-being includes ALL men, women and children without exception! This is what the Communist Party of the Soviet Union intended on December 30th, 1922, when the ‘Union of Soviet Socialist Republics’ (USSR) was announced, developed and constructed! Long Live the USSR! Long Live Lenin and Stalin! ACW (30.12.2022)

100th Anniversary of the Founding of the USSR (1922-2022)! Two Articles by VI Lenin! (30.12.2022) 

A few years ago, I acquired a Two Volume Set entitled the Essentials of VI Lenin (1947) from Comrades in the ‘New Communist Party’ (NCP) in London. The NCP was busy embracing the North Korean ideology of ‘Juche’ and were happy to jettison overt ideological works pertaining to the USSR – such as those involving Lenin and Stalin. Their loss was my gain (although a modest amount of money did change hands) and I acquired the full Stalin Collection and a very good (and quite ‘rare’) Two Volume Edition of Lenin – published at a time when the USSR was still riding high following its 1945 Victories over Naxi Germany and Imperial Japan – and before the US Cold War had fully kicked in – (falsely equating as it did the USSR with Nazi Germany). A point to remember is that the Nazi Germans (and their allies – which included the Vatican) murdered around 41 million Soviet men, women and children – far more than officially died in the ‘Holocaust’ (although at least in-part, the Nazi Germans carried-out some of the ‘Holocaust’ killings whilst occupying Soviet soil). The USSR, of course, betrayed Lenin and Stalin through the behaviour of Nikita Khrushchev in 1956 – a known coward who fled the fighting in the Ukraine during 1941 to save his own skin! The USSR as founded in 1922 must be applauded for the working-class achievement that it was, and which it remains! We must strive to keep its memory alive by correctly telling its story! Onward Comrades!

Exposing Ukrainian Neo-Nazism – We Must Collectively ‘Resist’! (29.12.2022) 

We, the British working-class, as the former allies of a USSR led by Comrade Joseph Stalin during WWII (1941-1945), refuse to accept this attempt at creating a ‘new’ dystopian status quo where our schoolchildren come home espousing the merits of Ukrainian Neo-Nazism – because they ‘heard the Ukrainian kids discussing it in the playground’! Schools in the London area have already been asking the multicultural population of children to ‘make cakes’ for ‘Uncle Zelensky’ and the supposedly ‘beleaguered’ Ukrainian people – apparently unaware that if these Ukrainian Neo-Nazi people expand beyond the borders of Catholic controlled Ukraine – there will be ‘new’ Death Camps operating and it will be ‘us’ – (or those who do not fit-in with the Ukrainian vision of Hitlerism) who will be ‘processed’ through them! After-all, our Bourgeois governments have given the Neo-Nazi Ukrainians our media, our housing, our schools, our welfare and our hospitals – and I suspect that barring an armed uprising – they will soon be giving these Neo-Nazi Ukrainians our very bodies and personal property to play with!  

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