Socialist Medicine

Socialist medicine treats all people as equal. This means that regardless of high or low social status the treatment and medicine that is received is of one level – and that this level is the best that a society can collectively muster both intellectually and materially. There is not one level of care for the rich, and another level of care for the poor – there is only one methodology and that is medicine developed through the application of scientific socialism.

Buddhist Monks, Sunglasses & the UK Rightwing Press

The above article entitled ‘Buddhists Behaving Badly’ appeared on page 3 of the Tuesday edition dated the 18.6.13. Astonishingly, this story takes up around three quarters of a page. It is not an original, or even a new story, but rather a report lifted from Youtube. The story evolves around apparently high-ranking Thai Buddhist monks flying in private jets, and wearing designer sunglasses. It may or may not be a troubling story for Buddhists, but the Metro reporter responsible for the story – Nicole Le Marie – demonstrates no knowledge of either Buddhist or Thai culture.

No War in Syria: US Embassy – London 15.6.13

This protest event was good-natured, well organised and discilpined. As protestors we were allowed up to the front-door of the US embassy. There was a moderate police presence, but the mood was relaxed with officers interacting with protestors and reading leaflets, etc. The police wore ordinary uniform and there was no riot gear evident. There was chanting from the crowd and many speeches made. A Socialist society would work to remove warfare as a means of human interaction, whilst establishing a justice and equality for all with exception.

Close Slaughter-houses: London – Picadilly Circus 15.6.13

The message is twofold: animals are treated in a despicable manner from birth to unnatural death, and this process is the product of an uncaring commercial system that treats animals as unfeeling, inanimate objects. Animals are sentient beings that feel pain, fear, and terror during their short lives. To stop the commercial farming of animals people are encouraged to become vegetarians and/or vegans.

Harrods Anti-Fur Protest – London 8.6.13

A campaigner representing the movement known as the ‘Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade’ ( stands outside the famous and exclusive ‘Harrods’ department store situated in the Knightsbridge area, handing-out leaflets with colleagues protesting the fact that Harrods still uses real fur in their garments for sale on the high street.

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