August Weismann and Immortality

How can ‘dying’ have a beneficial effect for the human species? It appears that the immortal sex cells use the mortal physical body as a vehicle for propagation from one generation to the next, and that in so doing, it is important that these vehicles fall away so that ‘new’ combinations of sex cells are achieved through reproduction.

The Non-Buddhist Origin of the Pro-Tibetan Movement in the West

The pro-Tibetan movement in the West is a non-Buddhist concept that appears to rely upon the Judeo-Christian notions of ‘faith’, ‘congregation’, and ‘conversion’ (notions that are thoroughly non-Buddhist in nature). It is also premised upon purely worldly (i.e. ‘samsaric’) conventions such as fundraising, media manipulation, political interference, and the participation in academic misrepresentation.

Seeing Beyond Bourgeois Nationalism

Instead of acknowledging that distinct human populations are the product of diverse manifestations of adaptability within different climatic and geographical conditions, the myth is perpetuated that the ‘differences’ are in fact directly related to skin-colour. Human groupings are then encouraged by an exploitative socio-economic system to perpetually conflict with one another to see which racial grouping is ‘superior’.

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