Bullets Are Still Flying!

USSR: Remembering the Great Working Class Victory of WWII! (9.5.2024)

Modern Russians commemorate the sacrifice but not the purpose. Russian soldiers carry the Red Flag but possess no connection with Socialism. The Hammer and Sickle emblem will be seen everywhere throughout Russia – but children are now taught it implies the “Russian race” and “Russian fighting spirit” – when in fact it means none of these reactionary things. Fourteen other countries contributed troops to the Soviet Red Army – which was NOT just “Russian”. Modern (capitalist) Russia distorts as it remembers – merely because its government is afraid that such symbols might inspire another wave of Socialist consciousness throughout the Russian mind and body. The revival of the USSR is just as feared in Bourgeois Russia as it is in Bourgeois America! This is why so many ethnic Russian authors regurgitate the old American prejudice against the USSR – as if such idiocy was entirely their own inventions!

Red Flag Over Berlin!

Victory in Europe Day! May 8th-May 9th – UK, US & Soviet Armies Meet in Berlin! (8.5.2024)

Salute to Sophie Scholl and her Comrades – who were brutally guillotined by Hitler! Salute to the 800,000 men and women murdered by Adolf Hitler’s regime within Germany (1933-1945)! Salute to the Viet Minh – which fought and died throughout Indochina – fighting the Imperial Japanese – only to be betrayed by Winston Churchill in 1945! By the time this portrayal played itself out in 1975 – 6 million Vietnamese men, women and children would lie deeds or wounded following their successful battles with the Imperialist French and US! Salute to the Korean people who fought Imperial Japan – and US aggression in Korea (1950-1953)! Salute to Chinese People’s Volunteer Army that displayed its true “Internationalist” Spirit in Korea! The Juggernaut of Nazi German, Imperial Japanese, and US fascism was stopped in Asia!

Hong Kong Rioters - Sutton United!

How Sutton United Assists the [Illegitimate] Hong Kong Rioters! (5.5.2024)

To legitimise these “Golden Visas” – all these Hong Kong criminals have to do is claim that they are facing “Persecution” as “Christians” from the Communist Party of China! Obviously, as the Constitution of China guarantees “Religious Freedom” – there is NO persecution of Christians or Christianity. However, there is another, more fundamental problem, none of these people are actually “Christian” – and so do not know how to fill-out the Immigration Papers claiming “Persecution”! This is where entities such as Sutton United come into play. They deceptively rent-out their ground to hold “Mass Conversion” ceremonies every Sunday morning. This involves Christian Ministers explaining to their Chinese audience (in Cantonese) what Christianity “IS” – and how they should “Explain” how they are being “Persecuted”!

China's Youth Surges Forward!

China: Young Communist League – 74.8 Million Members! (3.5.2024)

The CYLC had nearly 4.32 million organizations across China by the end of 2023, according to statistics released by the CYLC Central Committee.

There were roughly 1.91 million CYLC organizations at schools, colleges and universities last year, with around 38.25 million members, the data showed.

The remaining CYLC organizations were linked to enterprises, public institutions, urban and rural communities, social organizations and other fields.

Workers of the World Unite!

May 1st – The US Origins of Labour Day! (1.5.2024)

In 1890, May Day “reached” the Russian Empire, where it was first marked by a strike of 10,000 Warsaw workers. Since 1900, various demonstrations and strikes have been held annually on May 1st, but it became possible to freely celebrate May Day only after the victory after the February Revolution (February 1917) – before this date, the holiday was considered “Sedition” and was officially banned by the Czarist government. And already on May 1st, 1917, under the Bolshevik slogans “Down with the Imperialist War” and “All Power to the Soviets,” millions of workers marched along the streets of Russian cities!

East Germany Guards JV Stalin!

JV Stalin Says “Happy Workers’ Day”! William Shakespeare Says Soviet Beauty Shines On! (1.5.2024)

Toppled statues lay in deconstructed heaps – but the meaning such devices represent carries-on regardless into the uncharted future. Objects can be smashed – that is easy – but equally new objects can be designed and constructed – this is a matter of collective action and progressive thought. It does not really matter what William Shakespeare had in mind when he wrote Sonnet 55 – when I heard it today in both Old and New English – it struck me that he had perceived a deeper (hidden) meaning in passing outward structures. Structures that by there very nature, must, at one point or another, pass away into oblivion. But there is hope of a re-birth – even if the Bard couches this reality in the terms of “Judgement day”!

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