Racist BNP Ousted From Croydon 5.10.13

The ConDem Coalition government of the UK has continued its attack on the British Working Class by systematically dismantling the Welfare State and the National Health Service so that the rich can have tax cuts for no reason at all other than to make an ideological statement. In the meantime, thousands starve, become maimed and disabled, and die of easily curable diseases and neglect. Britain, due to its shameful imperialist past is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and there is no need to cut the Welfare State or the NHS. Indeed, Britain is so wealthy that the Welfare State and the NHS should be extended so that private enterprise is permanently wiped out through disencouragement. There is certainly no reason to attack and demonise the Disabled in the UK by cutting their benefits and arbitrarily declaring them fit for work. In times to come this will surely be viewed as a crime against humanity.