When Britain Ethnically Cleansed Its Chinese Populations

Polish people may well be from another country, but their European ethnicity runs the UK – albeit in its distinct British form. I condemn any and all crimes against Polish people, but do not believe that they are the victims of post-Brexit ‘racism’ in the manner that Black, Asian and Chinese people in the UK are (a subject the British media is quiet about). To the British media it seems that hate-filled prejudice is only reportable if white people are suffering it.

Buddhism Should Not Have a Flag

The idea of a Buddhist flag is tantamount to Buddhist terrorism in as much as it symbolises the alignment of Buddhism with the modern, capitalist State, and signifies a disturbing trend of replacing Buddhist philosophy with the ideology of greed. This is a false Buddhism that ‘normalises’ suffering in the mind and body of the masses. In fact it is not ‘Buddhism’ at all, but rather a superficial mirage in saffron robes.

Why I Voted ‘Out’ of the EU

I, and millions of others voted ‘out’ in the EU Referendum – not because we agree with the arch racist Nigel Farage, but because we do not agree with him. We, the British people, reject the US and Nazi fascism of the EU, and the fascism of UKIP. It is ‘we’ the working people of Britain that will decide or future, and no one else. We have this right and we protected this right on June 23rd, 2016 by rejecting the EU.

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