Joseph Stalin Reconstructed – an Interview with Yakov Dzhugashvili (2013)

The great grandson of Joseph Stalin is sure that the exposure of anti-Stalin lies is necessary not only for the restoration of historical justice, but also for restoring to our (Slavic) peoples a protective mechanism that shields us against dangerous ideological aggressions, because the knowledge of our history grants us the ability to distinguish lies from the truth, the original from the fake.

The Scola Experiments – a Peculiarly ‘British’ Deception

On a personal note, I am neither opposed to the paranormal, or to religion for that matter, and think both are interesting human constructs within their own particular historical and cultural contexts. However, I am a staunch supporter of objective science as a means for discovering and developing genuine knowledge. It is objective science that must prove the paranormal to be real – not idealism or personal opinion. 

Why Putin Bothers the West! (29.7.2017)

The other reason that ‘bothers’ the West is that the Communist Party of Russia remains incredibly popular throughout the country and holds around one-third of the elected seats in the State Duma – and it is not beyond the realms of possibility that Russia might well ‘elect’ a Communist Government should Putin be over-thrown.

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