On Why Labour Has to Win the 2017 General Election!

I am calling on the Working Class to unite around Jeremy Corbyn for the duration of the General Election campaign, and to assist and support any and all measures required to get the Labour Party voted into Parliament. Regardless of what some people say (both within and outside of Labour), the Labour Party still flies the ‘Red Flag’, and regardless of how we all represent the political left, we must work together against the ‘Class Enemies’ of the Tories and LibDems, keep them out of Parliament, and repair the damage that has been done since 2010.

Beijing: 110th Celebration of Paul Robeson’s Birthday in Photographs (2008)

He Dazhang (who together with American guests was in-charge of the ‘memorial’ for this event) stated: ‘Although Paul Robeson and Soong Ching Ling never met in person, their activities on the international stage were very similar, as both worked tirelessly for world peace, and both shared a strong responsibility to strive to bring the peoples of the US and China closer together in friendship and understanding. This aspiration expresses the highest attributes of human thinking. Today, the international communities gathers in Beijing to commemorate the great personality of Paul Robeson, but for Chinese people, we want to state to the world that we as a nation, will never forget Paul Robeson, or the fact that he supported our struggle against fascism. We owe it to his memory to never let fascism arise in the world again, and continuously work for peace and harmony throughout society and the international community. This is something we must all fight for in the world!’

美国黑人歌唱家保罗.罗伯逊 (Paul Robeson 1898-1976)

Paul Robeson – Socialist Revolutionary 保罗.罗伯逊 (Paul Robeson,1898-1976),美国著名男低音歌唱家、演员、社会活动家。  1898 年4 月9 日,保罗? 罗伯逊出生于美国新泽西州普林斯顿的一个黑人牧师家庭。早年在穆维尔高级学校求学期间,就曾参加过莎士比亚戏剧的演出。1923年毕业于哥伦比亚大学法律系,此后一直从事戏剧演出和电影拍摄等活动。1925年在纽约哈伦剧院举行第一次黑人灵歌独唱会,大获成功。1927年,他在美国著名音乐剧《游览船》中演唱了《老人河》一曲, 由此一举成名。他通晓多种语言,能用英、法、俄、汉等二十余种语言歌唱,其音色浑厚、深沉,具有黑人歌唱家所特有的魅力。据说他在室内演唱时,其雄浑的低音能把窗户的玻璃震得隆隆作响,可见他的功力。他曾担任美国黑人进步组织“非洲事务会议”的主席,关注黑人的平等权利,并为改善劳工的生产和生活条件而呼吁。他还写有文字著作《我站在这儿》、《黑人民族的歌曲》等。 他到过许多国家,却一直无缘踏上中国的土地。然而,他却是中国人民最忠实的朋友。 中国的抗日战争爆发后,他曾用汉语演唱《义勇军进行曲》 ,以示同情和支持。1941年,宋庆龄邀请保罗?罗伯逊、埃德加?斯诺、印度的尼赫鲁等,担任她所创建的“保卫中国同盟”的荣誉会员。罗伯逊积极参加了“保盟”在美国的募捐义演。 保罗?罗伯逊是国际和平运动的伟大战士。他反对所有非正义战争。1950年,保罗?罗伯逊以他的《和平之歌》荣获国际和平奖金。又因他在保卫世界和平上的卓越贡献,荣获1952年度斯大林国际和平奖金。1976 年1 月23 日,保罗?罗伯逊因脑溢血逝世于费城,享年78 岁。

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