The Philosophical Irrelevancy of the Bourgeois Critique

As the bourgeois process of cultural dominance and oppression is ongoing, the propaganda it produces is designed for one purpose only, and that is the maintenance of its own power and prestige within society. The bourgeois paradigm is presumed to be the only way of viewing and knowing the world that is accepted as ‘true’, ‘worthwhile’, ‘credible’ and ‘useful’, and yet from a logical, reasonable and scientific perspective, the philosophical underpinnings of bourgeois society is premised upon the creation and perpetuation of faulty knowledge.

Are the Rightwing Blairites Setting a Trap for Socialism?

Jeremy Corbyn has been elected as Labour Party Leader in the wake of the Conservative and Libdems policy of ‘Austerity’, which has been nothing more than an excuse to enrich the middle class at the expense of the working class. The question is ‘why?’ has the Labour Blairite neo-conservative over-lords (who are in the pockets of big business) allowed this to happen? I suspect that a trap has been set by the Blairites to finish off Socialism within the Labour Party once and for all. The thinking is probably something like this; allow a token Socialist to take control of the Labour Party – but in such a manner that does not allow its big business infrastructure to be compromised through Socialistic reform – let him announce a Socialist Agenda, and then watch him lose the next General Election. Once the election is lost, the Blairites can announce to the British people that Socialism is well and truly dead and that the Labour Party must now pursue the more level-headed, middle of the way (i.e. ‘middle class’) direction – in other words ‘Blairite Red Toryism’.

Qing Cheng Mountains Spiritual Daoism and Martial Arts

As the climate is humid, and peaks high, and the area inaccessible, Daoist practitioners had to diligently practice their health and longevity self-cultivation techniques – which included the ability to strengthen the bones and joints, and live for long periods with adequate food supplies. The ability to defend themselves from violent attack was also very important, as they often encountered bandits, wild animals, or were subject to natural disasters. Therefore, due to this necessity, the Daoist communities on the Qing Cheng Mountains have produced many very good martial arts masters.