USSR: The Vatican and Hungary’s 1956 “Neo-Nazi” Uprising! (22.8.2023)

In 1956, however, just eleven-years after the end of WWII and a Holocaust which had seen the fascist Hungarisns purge their country of hundreds and thousands of Jewish people, urged on by the US – the former soldiers of the (fascist) Hungarian Army took to the streets (together with their young converts) – and attempted to destroy the Socialist System and re-establish a pro-Western, pro-capitalist – totalitarian system that was anti-Russian and anti-Soviet! Within Socialist parlance this was clearly an attempt at a counter-Revolution – but all over the internet (and within faulty Western discourse) this fascist uprising is referred to as a ‘Revolution’. Does this sound familiar? It should do – as it is exactly the same policy that Obama unleashed in Ukraine in 2014! This is how Alexander Werth explains these events:

Eire: The “Green Legion” and Why the Catholic Dalliance with Fascism Has to Stop! (8.5.2023)

When Eire gained most of its independence from Britain in 1921, the Catholic Church did its utmost to destroy the ‘Socialist’ movement and divert its people toward the fascist ideology. This change in perspective can be seen through the example of Eoin O’Duffy and his descent into reaction. Eoin O’Duffy would eventually became the popular leader of the far-right ‘People’s National Party’ – which was closely aligned with Nazi Germany and its aims. Eoin O’Duffy even sent Adolf Hitler an offer that he would raise a ‘Green Legion’ of Irishmen to fight on the Russian Front. O’Duffy was no stranger to battle as he had previously led a 700 strong (pro-Franco) Irish Brigade in during Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). In the 1940s – O’Duffy spent time in Nazi Germany discussing a free Ireland – and how he could assist the Axis in its war against Britain.

King Charles III – That Was Worth a Few Hospitals! (6.5.2023)

As a Mass Party we oppose China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos! As a Mass Party – we support the dismantling of the British Welfare State and the National Health Service (NHS) – as this empowers the workers by generating the conditions for the workers to take independent action! This Mass Party has come along way since its inception during 1921 – and the glorious revolution in Russia of 1991! Let us hope together that King Charles III ushers in a new era of sublime Bourgeoises dominance and leadership! As a Mass Party we fully encourage our members to support the British State and assist in its development! Together we can keep the dream of Leon Trotsky alive!’

May Day is “Love” – Such is Working-Class “Internationalism”! (1.5.2023)

The workers of America and the Ukraine should overthrow their oppressive governments, put an end to their support of Neo-Nazism – and join Russia (and a ‘free’ Ukraine) in a bright, new tomorrow! This has been our intention since this particular battle started in 2014! This is why we salute Syria and North Korea for recognising the Donbass Republics! China, one of our beloved Motherlands has been brokering a ‘Peace’ – as workers we must make this a reality! Long Live the British Republic (1649-1660)! Long Live Oliver Cromwell and Mao Zedong! Long Live Thomas Sankara and Huey Newton! Long Live Lenin and Stalin! Long Live Ho Chi Min and Fidel Castro! Long Live the Laos Buddhist-Socialist Republic! Long Live the Palestinian People! Long Live the Democratic Republics of Malaya and Kampuchea! Long Live the Workers’ Institute! Long Live Aravindan Balakrishnan! Love, Peace and Respect to the International Working Class!

Bonnie Prince Charlie: King James III, King Henry IX & Queen Maria Clementina of Great Britain, France & Ireland! (23.4.2023)

As matters transpired, the Pope over-ruled ‘King Henry IX’ and finally recognised Bonnie Prince Charlie as ‘King Charles III’ on his deathbed – just as he drew his last breath. I assume that the Pope believed this would allow him to enter Catholic Heaven as a ‘King’ – in recognition of his services to the Vatican – if indeed that was what they were (as I am not convinced this was his primary motivating drive). The thousands of Gaelic-speaking, kilted Scotsman who fought with sword and shield against musket, canon and bayonet were surely fighting for something far more visceral. Having visited the Battlefield of Colluden a number of times (and run across it as the Clansman did) this remains my viewpoint today! These brave and great Clansman ‘stood’ for nearly an hour whilst British canons blew their bodies into tiny pieces! They then initiated a Highland Charge after displaying such iron bravery the likes of which is rare throughout the history of military affairs! Surely reminiscent of the Spartans and the Zulu at their absolute best! Whatever the case, as the true ‘Celts’ of Britain – we lit incense sticks out of respect and placed them on the burial mounds representing each ‘Clan’! Hundred were killed in the fighting and then the British (government) soldiers bayonetted the wounded – rolling all the bodies into mass graves denoted by the differing colour of tartan (an institution inflicted by the British so that the various Clans could be easily ‘distinguished’).