Socialism NOT Nationalism!

On How the Bourgeoisie Weaponises Immigration! (2.6.2024)

Strong Unions, Free Health, Free Education and a Welfare State Should Fight Fascism!

Identity politics makes fools of us all. A mythic “Whiteness” is not the answer to everything non-White – or those issues in life that are mildly irritating, confusing, or an obvious lie. Human populations have, since their inception, tended to raom around the available geographic space in search of resources and sustainence. As animals – the human species has migrated with the herds and in accordance with the weather. Even today, restricted as human movement is to the commodity that is the “Nation State” – the urge to roam is deeply implicit within the human psyche and biological processes. This is true even if all socio-economic forces are in balance and each defined national-space is replete with ample supplies of food and water. Factor-in the inherent imbalance of predatory capitalism and the class-habit of using military force to resolve issues – and the phenomenon of modern population migration comes into being. This is a migration of human populations that strive to move AWAY from areas of scarcity and danger toward perceived areas of plenty and peace.

When I encounter supposed Marxist-Leninists who formulate inherently racist attitudes toward ALL migration – I remind these so-called “Comrades” that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were “migrants” living in the UK – and that even VI Lenin and JV Stalin were visiters to the UK during the early 20th century – albeit as representatives of the “Internationalist” movement conceived by Marx and Engels during the 19th century. Internationalism, by its very nature, cannot mimic or (ironically) “colonise” the destructive or devisive policies and interpretations of the fascist-right. Of course, this is exactly what is happening and manifesting as the “left” on the political centre-ground – but this remains solely a very successful Trotskyite manifestation of “Entryism” – designed to look like Revolution when it is in fact entirely reactionary and supportive of the starus quo. Surprisingly, fascist-racism remains fascist-racism regardless of which side of the political spectrum it happens to be manifesting. It just so happens that today in the UK the Communist left is ideologically dead in the water and subject to an almost complete dialectical usurpation perpetuated by the Trotskyite-right.

Trotskyism is a destructive virus that penetrates the cells of a healthy society – rendeing it sick, unhealthy and unable to function properly. Trotskyism represents the class-interests of the bourgeoisie whilst pretending to be preparing society for its overthrow in favour of the proletariat. As a means of political deception this camoflague is a perfect theatre – as Trotskyism has NO intention of changing or altering the society it has infiltrated and colonised. A success of Trotsky’s ideology is obvious (today) as an admixture of the left and right coming into shakey alliances around the race-hate of non-White (and even alien “White”) immigration. Uniting around this fundamental element of fascist ideology renders all genuinely leftist policies null and void. Racism becomes so powerful and all consuming that the left dedicates all its resources to seemingly “fighting” its existence. How the far-right ideologues sitting in their smoke-filled rooms – must be chuckling heartily at this outrageous (and impotent) betrayal of leftist rhetoric and universalism!

And yet the bourgeoise understands this paradox superbly and has sought to exploit it magnificently from all sides. Non-White (right-wing) politicians born in the UK (but with ancestry from places far, far away) – have been cynically manoeuvred into powerful positions of high political office so that any criticism of their presence, placement or function is deemed “racist” – when in fact it is dialectically necessary and correct to bring a logical objectivity to the situation. A non-White person who is both a “fascist” and representing “foreign” interests in political office – has to be carefully scrutinised regarding their political affiliation and motivation – and not persecuted because of the colour of their skin. The bourgeoisie believes that by promoting a fascistic element of “foreignness” into high office – the “Internationalist” tendencies of the left have been thoroughly undermined. This is not true as the genuine left should reject all artificial boundaries that denote an arbitrary and quite often temporary “nationalism”. It Is not the “foreign” nature that is the problem – but the inherent “fascism” such an entity can often represent.

White Ukrainians, Polish, Romanian, Lithunian, Latvian and Estonian migrants in the UK, for instance, that openly advocate the Neo-Nazi ideology, link-up with their British counterparts in the fascist movement and are warmly welcomed by the indigenous population – whilst thousands of Hong Kong rioters wanted for serious crimes in China have been permitted by a right-wing Tory Administration to settle in the UK as a means to avoid prosecution. It is not the skin-colour or the ethnicity that should be the focus of resistance – but rather the fascist ideology these groups represent. Migration is weaponised when the British population (and not just its “White” component) is forced to accept the presence of groups privileged by the ruling Tories because such groups advocate a fascist ideology hostile to the left in general and to Marxist-Leninism inparticular. Refugees who legitimately arrive in the UK from countries the British RAF, Royal Navy or British Army have blanket-bombed and destroyed should be welcomed – as should those who are genuinely fleeing persecution.

What is not acceptable is for groups that have been infiltrated by far-right (US-inspired) ideology that seemingly “flee” to the West to laughingly to escape their home regimes which happen to be “Socialist” and oppose US hegemony. Such groups are traitors seeking to materially enrich themselves with promises of free houses, cars, school-places, money, and jobs – all elements of British society now denied to British citizens born or naturalised in the UK. Whereas the right will always oppose immigration regardless of its origin – the left must be very careful In its distinguishing of the issue at hand so that the matter can be dialectically rectified. Many ethnic Chinese people living in the Britain reject the Tory policy of resettling thousands of Hong Kong rioters in the UK – but this voice is ignored as being part of the general bourgeois policy of demonising ALL Chinese opinion accept those which supports the US! Simply accepting ALL immigration on the grounds that it might be “racist” to criticise it in anyway ignores the bourgeois-generated problem that exists. Opposing fascism disguised as migration – is an attack upon fascism – and should not be used as an excuse for an attack upon the principle of migrants or migration itself.