Live on Forever as a Proletariat! (25.10.2023)

VI Lenin – Understood What a Proletariat Is!

Being a Proletariat is a natural consequence of dialectical development – and there is no going back. When I was young, life was all about learning from one’s elders and compromising one’s ambitions with the requirements of the prevailing Bourgeois System. At that time the British wing of the International Bourgeoisie was scared stiff of the Soviet-led Proletariat and therefore had subordinated itself to the US wing of the same establishment. It was the same story for all Western European countries which had taken American money to rebuild after WWII. Although Joseph Stalin had died in 1953 (the last great Soviet leader) – the Soviet Union the West was terrified of was the watered-down Trotskyite affair caused by the Khrushchev betrayal of Joseph Stalin’s legacy. This betrayal set the USSR on the path of Bourgeois reform and laid the foundation for its eventual demise in 1991. Indeed, modern capitalist Russia is one of Trotsky’s greatest achievements. Neo-Nazism is now embraced by a certain strand of young Russian men whose great grandparents, suffered, fought, and died against the Hitlerites. This is true regardless of what the current government of Russia has to say.

The True Spirit of “Internationalism!”

When one considers how the mighty Soviet Red Army swept the Nazi German (and Catholic) hordes out of the way and advanced thousands of miles toward Berlin (effectively changing the world) – how sad it is to see the modern (capitalist) Russian Army (inspired as it is by Russian notions of Bourgeois ‘nationalism’) – being bogged-down by a NATO prozy enemy in Donbass! The Russian Army has not been able to decisively defeat the Neo-Nazi Ukrainians and although it has inflicted tens of thousands of casualties, it is being slowly bled-dry by the West. The Russian Army – actually only the newly formed ‘National Guard’ – has advanced only a few hundred miles into East Ukraine and seems unable to do much else other than maintain the status quo. If the Soviet Red Army had been this slow in liberating the Ukraine – the world would still be fighting WWII today! On top of this failure has been China’s unwillingness to recognise the DPR and LPR as Sovereign countries – as North Korea, Syria (and others) have done! Perhaps this is because at times there is little difference between Ukrainian Neo-Nazism and Russian (racialised) Nationalism – a Bourgeois marker of identity that views ‘White’ Europeans as being superior to all non-White peoples.

The USSR Was Comprised if 15 Countries!

All this Bourgeois nonsense has got to be the greatest success of Trotskyite deception and George Orwell (anti-Socialist) propaganda. More than this, but Trotskyite deception has infiltrated the left and ‘normalised’ throughout Western society! Meanwhile, China seems to be following a path of commercialisation which seeks to develop the closest of ties with the US – a country whose people and political system remains the furthest away in relevance from everyday Chinese needs. Maoism or ‘More-ism’? Who can tell – as the Chinese ideologues appear to be relying upon ‘contradiction’ as a means to deflect all criticism of the post-1979 path its leaders have chosen to follow. Perhaps this is as superficial as the American-English the Chinese State choses to use when writing English language articles – a policy that is nothing but an insult to British English. This would be like British people using the Korean written script whilst claiming to be writing ‘Chinese’ language texts. Perhaps this scathing criticism will generate some type of positive change.

Dialectical Forces Are Forever Shaping Society!

The Bourgeois System, according to Marx, is historically ‘doomed’ to failure and transcendence – due to class antagonism. This is to say that capitalism will be eclipsed by ‘Socialism’ and that although the Bourgeois State can prevent and hinder this process (thus slowing it down) it cannot stop it from happening forever. The Bourgeois State can brutally persecute, maim, torture nd kill Proletariat bodies, but as a ‘class’ – the ‘working-class’ – will collectively live forever until it siezes the means of production and eradicates all notions of ‘class’ and ‘class antagonism’! Until that day the workers must make do by forging an iron spirit of resistance. The workers must resist capitalist oppression, fascism, and Trotskyite deception with all their might! Resist, resist and resist again! Workers must never give-up! Although workers cannot win in the Bourgeois (petty and individualistic) short-term sense – as the most progressive class – the workers can win in the end! Stand up straight and tall and take all the bullets (metaphorical and real) without flinching! We may fall as individuals – but live on forever as a Proletariats!