Criminal Li Hongzhi - Far-Right Despot!

Falun Gong Cult: Defining Li Hongzhi’s “Three-Sectional Trap” for Spreading False Rumours in the West! (24.5.2024)

Translator’s Note: From what I have witnessed in South London over the last 18 months is the arrival of thousands of Hong Kong Chinese people (rioters who committed terrible crimes in Hong Kong) – all pretending to be fleeing persecution from the Chinese Authorities. Why? The falsehood is that these individuals are “Christians” – but they are not. As I can understand what these people are discussing in the public areas of Sutton – I have listened to all their nefarious plans to bring-down the CPC. Furthermore, I have discovered that these people are being assisted by the Falun Gong Cult structures already existent in the UK! This is why this new influx, being in the large numbers that they are, have caused friction not only with the “White” English and the British multicultural communities – but also with the Chinese people already here. Why? Because these incomers are behaving exactly like members of the Falun Gong Cult! Indeed, I believe that Falun Gong Cult is facilitating the arrival of these individuals into the UK! They exist in cliques, refuse to integrate and are protected by the British State – given free houses, jobs, cars and money, etc. Keep away from these individuals – perhaps with a change of government in the UK – they can be returned to Hong Kong to be tried for their crimes. Socialist China is a precious jewel that must be supported and protected! ACW (24.5.2024)

Translated By Adrian Chan-Wyles PhD

Inner Mongolia News Network 21-05-24 – Source: China Anti-Cult Network

[China Anti-Cult Network, May 20th, 2024, Correspondent: Hu Jie (胡婕)]

On April 22nd, 2024 the American religious media platform – “Baptist” – published an article written by the New York Pastor – Rodney Kennedy – exposing how the “Falun Gong” Cult – and its affiliates “The Epoch Times” and “Shen Yun Performing Arts” – fabricated and spread various rumours. This is Li Hongzhi’s “Three-Sectional Trap” for spreading rumours. At the same time, the article compared “Falun Gong” with “Evangelicals” in American politics – pointing-out that both are supporters of Trump – and are both absurd right-wing organizations.

Billboards have sprung up that read: “The Epoch Times – Premier Trustworthy News!” The problem is that there is not a shred of data to support this exaggerated statement, and no evaluation agency has rated The Epoch Times as a provider of “Premier Trustworthy News!” In fact, the Epoch Times is full of fake news and disinformation, coupled with partisan politics, and lies. Behind it is a media company owned by the “Falun Gong” cult. What do The Epoch Times, Falun Gong, and Shen Yun Performing Arts have in common? “Epoch Media Group” is the company that controls them all. In addition to newspapers and news websites, it also owns “New Tang Dynasty Television” (NTDTV).

The Epoch Times was founded in Georgia by John Tang, a member of Falun Gong who is currently the President of New Tang Dynasty. The Epoch Times launched a Chinese paper version in New York in April 2000, followed by a Chinese online version in August, an English online version in 2003, and an English paper version in 2004. It has a large number of anti-vaccinations, racist and far-right fans. The Epoch Times is anti-China and anti-Communist, and supports far-right politicians across Europe and former U.S. President Trump. A 2019 NBC News report showed the newspaper was the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook ads, behind only the Trump campaign itself.

Article on Conspiracy Theories About the U.S. Capitol Riots Published on the Website of The Epoch Times. Original Text with Pictures!

The growth of The Epoch Times is directly proportional to the advertisements it places for the Trump campaign. The main feature of its articles is a series of conspiracy theories supporting Trump. During the Trump Administration, the newspaper’s revenue surged from US$3.9 million (approximately RMB 28.26 million) to US$15.5 million (approximately RMB 112 million). In order to cater to the “Make America Great Again” movement (Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan), The Epoch Times mainly marketed through targeted social media advertising, mainly pro-Trump propaganda on Facebook public information.

For example, the newspaper spread Trump’s “Spygate” conspiracy theory. The so-called “Spygate” is Trump’s claim that former President Obama planted an informer to spy on Trump’s Presidential campaign. The “Spygate Special Coverage” column, which is often pinned to the top of the Epoch Times website, has concocted a years-long conspiracy theory, including claims that some former Staffers of former U.S. Presidents Obama and Clinton , several magazines and newspapers, private investigators and government bureaucrats hatched plans to deprive Trump of the Presidency.

The Epoch Times also managed to include in its Wikipedia article a section about Hunter Biden, the son of U.S. President Joe Biden, information about Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine and his father, Joe Biden Moderately dubious claims of involvement. The Epoch Times has always refused to recognize the results of the 2020 Election and promoted rallies in support of Trump everywhere, leading to the riots around the Capitol Building in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021. The newspaper is also a die-hard advocate of the anti-covid vaccine movement. The Epoch Times looks like a newspaper and operates like a newspaper, but has no regard for news, facts, or truth.

Troubling Links to American “Evangelicals”

Behind the scenes, The Epoch Times operates closely with Falun Gong, a cult that aims to overthrow the Chinese government. “Falun Gong” was founded by Li Hongzhi and is headquartered in a 427-acre (approximately 1.73 square kilometres) compound called Dragon Springs in Deer Park, New York, USA. Four former compound residents and former Falun Gong practitioners told NBC News that the compound houses a temple as well as a private school and dormitories where performers from Falun Gong’s Shen Yun Performing Arts live and rehearse. Li Hongzhi lives in the Longquan Temple with hundreds of his students.

Li Hongzhi (李洪志), the Leader of the “Falungong” Cult. Original Text with Pictures!

Former Falun Gong practitioners told NBC News that adherence believe the end of the world is coming, and those who sympathize with the Falun Gong group will be spared, while those who do not will be sent to hell. Trump is regarded by Falun Gong and Li Hongzhi as a key ally in the anti-Communist struggle. Li Hongzhi opposes homosexuality, gender equality, pop music, etc. At the same time, he boasts to his followers that he is a “god-man” who can levitate in the air and walk through walls. He claims that disease is an evil symptom (“karma”) that can only be overcome through meditation. Meditation and worship of “Falun Gong” can lead to true healing, claiming that aliens from unknown dimensions have invaded human minds and bodies, bringing corruption and inventions like computers and aeroplanes.

Li Hongzhi’s teachings describe supernatural phenomena, including the suggestion that the pyramids may have been built by humanoids or Atlanteans who lived under the sea. Benjamin Penny said in the book “The Religion of Falun Gong” that “Falun Gong” deifies its founder Li Hongzhi, whilst adherence believe that he is far superior to human beings and will save mankind from disasters. He requires “Falun Gong” students to abide by his teachings and so-called moral principles, otherwise the practice will not achieve its purpose; he requires students to regularly conduct a series of spiritual exercises, gather together to read his “scriptures” and share insights.

[Editor in charge Cheng Lei (程磊)]

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Chinese Language Text:


内蒙古新闻网    24-05-21 10:29   打印本页    来源:中国反邪教网






“大纪元媒体集团”(Epoch Media Group)是一家媒体公司,除报纸和新闻网站外,旗下还有“新唐人电视台”。

《大纪元时报》由“法轮功”成员唐忠(John Tang)于佐治亚州创办,他现任“新唐人”总裁。


《大纪元时报》反华反共,支持欧洲的极右翼政客和美国前总统特朗普。美国全国广播公司新闻频道(NBC News)2019年的一篇报道显示,该报是亲特朗普脸谱广告的第二大资助者,仅次于特朗普竞选团队本身。


特朗普执政期间,该报的收入从390万美元(约合人民币2826万元)激升至1550万美元(约合人民币1.12亿元)。为了迎合“让美国再次伟大”(Make America Great Again,特朗普2016年竞选口号)运动,《大纪元时报》主要通过有针对性的社交媒体广告进行营销,主要是在脸谱上传播亲特朗普信息。

例如,该报散布了特朗普的“间谍门”阴谋论。所谓“间谍门”,就是特朗普声称前总统奥巴马安插了一名间谍,对特朗普的总统竞选活动进行刺探。在《大纪元时报》网站上常被置顶的“间谍门特别报道”(Spygate Special Coverage)栏目,编造了一个长达数年的阴谋论,其中包括声称美国前总统奥巴马和克林顿的一些前工作人员、数家杂志和报纸、私家侦探和政府官僚制定计划准备褫夺特朗普的总统职位。

《大纪元时报》还设法在有关亨特·拜登(Hunter Biden,美国总统拜登之子)的维基百科文章中,加入有关亨特在乌克兰的商业交易以及他父亲乔·拜登(Joe Biden)卷入其中等可疑说法。《大纪元时报》一直不认可2020年大选结果,到处宣扬支持特朗普的集会,导致2021年1月6日发生华盛顿特区国会大厦暴动事件。该报也是反新冠疫苗运动铁杆倡导者。



在幕后,《大纪元时报》的运作与“法轮功”密切相关,而“法轮功”是一个以推翻中国政府为目标的邪教组织。“法轮功”由李洪志创立,总部位于美国纽约州迪尔帕克市(Deer Park,又名鹿苑镇)一处占地427英亩(约合1.73平方公里)、名为龙泉寺(Dragon Springs)的大院内。据四名前大院居民和前“法轮功”学员告诉美国全国广播公司新闻频道,大院内设有寺庙以及供“法轮功”旗下“神韵艺术团”演员们生活和排练的私立学校和宿舍。李洪志与其数百名学员生活在龙泉寺。





本杰明·潘尼(Benjamin Penny)在《“法轮功”教派》(The Religion of Falun Gong)一书中说,“法轮功”神化创始人李洪志,信徒认为他远超人类,会把人类从灾难中拯救出来;他要求“法轮功”学员恪守他的教义和所谓道德准则,否则修炼就达不到目的;他要求学员定期进行一系列的灵性修炼,聚在一起阅读他的“经文”并分享感悟。

[责任编辑 程磊]
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