Trump Fascism is Unpredictable!

Trump: I Think We Know What’s Coming! (22.3.2024)

Trump Fascism is Unpredictable!
Trump Fascism is Unpredictable!

Trump will put an end to the war in Neo-Nazi Ukraine – whilst cosying up to Russia and (bizarrely) North Korea! China and probably Iran will be the next US targets. Palestine and Syria will be wiped off the map as side shows. Israel will be the lynch pin to all this. Muslims, yet again will be the targets – both inside and outside the US -There will also be the deliberate whilst “White” exceptionalism will be enhanced and intensified.

Remember Tigrew? Trump sent predominately Black US troops into Ethiopia between 2020-2022 (18 months) attempting to create US-controlled anti-China (capitalist) base on the African Continent. This united the tribes in opposition and between 300,000 – 600,000 defending Africans were killed and/or wounded by the US military (the death-rate was incredibly high and achieved in a very short time-span). Biden pulled the plug. Virtually no one in the West talks about this US war crime that possessed a far highr kill-rate than the Israeli war crimes currently being committed in Palestine.

There will also be the deliberate intensification of Death Sentences carried-out upon Federal Death Row – which Trump can directly control when President. When he realised he had lost the election – Trump ordered that as many Black, Asian, Hispanic and poor White inmates should be executed immediately. This included women and the Disabled. Many of these people were on Death Row because they could not afford a proper legal defence and there existed a reasonable doubt about their guilt. Ttump did not care as long they died.