Israeli Invasion of Palestine!

DPRK Arab Association: Only Way to Settle Middle East Crisis – Terminate Double Standards of US and West! (13.2.2024)

Pyongyang, February 8 (KCNA) — Yang Myong Song, Secretary General of the DPRK-Arab Association, issued the following article entitled “The only way to settle Middle East crisis is to terminate double standards of the U.S. and West”!

The Middle East crisis has further plunged into the vicious cycle of massacre and retaliation over the years. At the same time, international criticism of the U.S. and the West unilaterally justifying and covering-up the unethical actions and massacres perpetuated by the Israeli Zionists – which are mounting.

At the recent Forum of Ministers of EU and India-Pacific Region held in Brussels, representatives of different countries bitterly accused the West of enforcing extreme double standards while taking a different attitude towards the Ukrainian situation when compared with the Middle East situation.

The Indonesian Foreign Minister stressed that no State can be put above laws and that European countries should listen to their hearts, do right things and stop the cruel acts in Gaza Strip. The Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka claimed that there can be no double standards in dealing with the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East.

This is a due denunciation of the shameless behaviour of the U.S. and the West that are persistently turning their faces away from the brutal crimes of Israel – while terming innocent Russia into an “aggressor” – when its people are yet again bravely confronting Neo-Nazism in the Ukrainian theatre!

Historically, the U.S. and the West have planted and systematically grown a poisonous off-spring called (Zionist) Israel in Palestine – despite the fierce opposition of the Arab people – out of ulterior intentions to maintain their domination over the Middle East region by deliberately fostering contradictions between Arabs and Jews.

It was none other than the U.S. and western countries that cooked up a brigandish decision on building an Arab State and a Jewish State – by dividing Palestine at the Second Session of the UN General Assembly in November 1947 – whilst that decision instigated the Zionists’ ambition for territorial expansion by handing over a large amount of redundant WWII weaponry after the “founding” of the State of Israel.

Even when Israel brutally suppressed the just struggle of the Palestinian people while resorting to the expansion of Jewish Settlements by blockading the Gaza Strip, the U.S. and the West supported Israel, playing the role of blind and deaf mute.

The double standards of the U.S. and the West patronizing Israel are becoming more apparent with the Middle East conflict acting as this policy’s sounding board.

The U.S. exercised its Veto in the vote for a UN Resolution on the Middle East crisis at the UNSC – while pouring-out gangster-like logic, saying that “Israel’s right to self-defence was not mentioned” and “the ceasefire in the present situation is beneficial only to Hamas”. Not content with this, the U.S. has delivered such lethal weapons as white phosphorus and Bunker-burster bombs and has connived at – and inspired Israel’s mass killing.

The Chairman of the EU Commission, the German Chancellor – and other high-ranking politicians of the West – actively defended Israel’s criminal acts, saying that they support Israel’s right to self-defence which does not presuppose the observance of International Law and the ceasefire can give Hamas the time for pulling its forces together again and re-aiming their missiles.

Over the pro-Israel behaviour of the U.S and the West, the Arab News Agencies denounced the West – stating that it has connived at Israel’s suppression of Palestinians – while playing the hypocrite in supposedly protecting Human Rights and Democracy. The Chinese Huan Qiu Shibao said that the U.S. gives priority to the interests of Israel and never considers the lives of the Palestinian people while positively backing Israel due to the upcoming election in the U.S. – surely the Zionist influence at work in Ameriica. This is by no means accidental.

Kim Tong Myong, a researcher of the Society for International Politics Study in the DPRK, said that many countries are criticizing the double standards of the U.S. and the West with the recent Middle East situation as an occasion, and that even those countries which had close relations with the U.S. and the West in the past are going over to the actual stage for settling the Middle East situation on the basis of fair law and order.

Kang Jin Song, International Affairs Analyst of the DPRK, said the virtue-signalling of “democracy” and “human rights” often raised by the U.S. and the West is used to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. This propaganda has seriously lost its colour owing to its double standards – which is being hit by the population of the world in the International Arena and Public Forums due to its self-centred and selective foreign policies. This only causes adverse effects contrary to its purpose in supposedly maintaining the international order.

The inhumane violence of the Israeli Zionists is the product of all the advantages gained through the continuous patronage of the U.S. and the West – a process which has caused nearly 100,000 casualties among Palestinians! There is also the very real danger that such huge calamities might expand throughout the Middle East and into the entire world – beyond the Gaza Strip!

This reality goes to prove that the U.S. and the West’s self-righteous and double-standard foreign policy is a catalyst driving the current unpleasant international political and military situation into a greater disaster and danger1 If this is allowed to continue, global peace and stability – the cherished desire of Humanity – can never be realized.

The only way out of the ever-worsening Middle East situation is to terminate the double standards of the U.S. and the West. (End) (Juche113.2.8.)