Vladimir Mayakovsky - Beautiful Soviet Poet!

US: Council of Geeks – Dialectically Interesting! (4.6.2024)

A Very Thought-Provoking Article!

The abilities to a) “Think” – and b) “To Think Freely” – define what it is to be human. Everything we know, be it scientific or religious – stems from the human capacity to “Imagine” – an extraordinary function of the brain which, through a special arrangement of matter, produces the capacity to be “Conscious”. Modern humans. although possessing this potentially limitless capability, often fall into one-sided viewpoints that require the shutting-off of vast aspects of the human psyche – just so a single idea, attitude or opinion can dominate the surface mind and limit human action in the physical world. This type of human error corrupts everything in the world and enhances and strengthens the human capacity to suffer. Indeed, invariably one group is lifted-up (and benefitted) whilst endless others are pressed firmly down. I think that the suppression of Socialism in the West throughout the 20th century has led to mainstreaming and normalising of the right-wing and the far-right in the 21st century.

Vladimir Myakovsky – Soviet Poets Are Tough!
The Beauty of the Soviet Poet!

Heavily armed fascist countries masquerading as “Liberal Democracies” are now able to inflict millions of casualties whilst pretending to enforce freedom through death. Since 1945, for instance, the US military has killed around 30 million people around the world whilst enforcing capitalist dictatorships and destroying self-determining Socialist societies. Only China, Korea, Vietnam and Cuba have militarily stood-up to this US militarism and routine mass-murder. It is equally important to remember that by 1610, according to research, the European invasion of the Americas had murdered around 60 million indigenous people (this sudden reclaiming of so much land by nature in the cleared-out settlements caused a mini-Ice Age in Western Europe during the early 1800s). Indeed, in his diaries, Christopher Columbus admits to using Indian children for “sexual gratification” – as the Catholic Priests that accompanied his invasion had assured him these children were NOT human – and therefore did NOT qualify for the protection afford by Biblical morality.

Vladimir Myakovsky – The Nazi Germans Will Not Pass!

As a Communist Futurist (very much in the mould of the great Vladimir Mayakovsky) – I view the development of endlessly progressing surgery performed upon the human body – to be of the maximum importance. Why? It is self-evident. Whilst alive we inhabit a body which has the capacity to be injured, to get ill and develop all kinds of terrible and awful maladies. In the end – we all die – and in death we are equal. Surely, if we understand that this biological machine has a tendency to become damaged – is it not incumbent upon each and every one of us to progress human thought in the direct of rebuilding, reconstructing and repairing the human body? That is – to fully penetrate the mysteries of the human body cells – and work-out how it operates and how these evolutionary processes can be reversed engineered and perhaps even improved upon.

Fascism Will Not Defeat Dialectical Poetry!

Transgender surgery is important for all of humanity as it is in reality the repair of the genital (and related) organs – together with the organs of excretion, etc. People are damaged and harmed everyday in war, work and leisure. The human genital organs can suffer terrible and life-changing damage – but it is only life-damaging because currently surgery is limited – and no one knows exactly how to put everything right. Of course, sexual (and other) diseases can also cause the most hideous forms of incapacity and disability. People born with both sets of sexual organs (Hermaphrodites) – through such medical knowledge, (should they so require), have this situation rectified to their liking (whatever that might be). Human medical knowledge cannot stop at its current level of development regarding the genital organs simply because of the bigotry of the far-right and regressives within society. These people are ignorant reactionaries who might well require – one day – to have their sexual (or related) organs medically treated or repaired. Humanity must progress.

The Proletariat Will Prevail!

The far-right is counter-intuitive in as much as it has developed a prejudice and built an entire edifice of deadly discrimination around it. Imagine limiting the development of medical knowledge because a bigot does like a particular type of person. Due to the limitation of one person’s perspective – the entirety of humanity must suffer. No – this will not do. Transgender science is only one facet of the broader requirement to expand the current level of medical knowledge requiring the repair and alteration of the genital (and related) organs. I believe this is the correct Marxist-Leninist-Maoist point of view. As regards the “Council of Geeks” referenced above – I find myself in agreement with this interesting thinker. The Dr Who episode being referenced was excellent – but in a new way – not applicable to the older Dr Who episodes. After-all, it is a money-making form of entertainment – but such creativity has its dialectical uses. Whatever the case, give the person above a fair hearing – what she has to say is very interesting. I would not share this media if I thought otherwise,

“I Will Out-Think You!”