China's Socialist Technology Triumphs!

Socialist China: Humanity’s First Photographs of Moon’s Dark-Side! (4.6.2024)

2024-06-04 Editor: Li Yan

Although the Soviet Union, despite being invaded by the UK and US (1918-1921) and Nazi German (1941-1945) – suffered a combined 51 million casualties – the Soviet Space Programme far transcended the struggling US-equivalent, hobbled as it is in the eternal search for pointless profit. A group of 15-countries (the USSR) were brutally attacked due to their populations choosing Socialism over predatory capitalism – and yet still prevailed as the creativity of the human mind was freed from the tyranny of matter – and was able to into the heavens! Indeed, even today the world of bourgeois academia in the West still perpetuates all kinds of racist myths and untruths about the USSR, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and the DPRK! Capitalism “fears” the power of the human mind unshackled from the chains of predatory capitalism! Yes – the Americans landed on the Moon just in-front of the Soviet-planned mission – and yet what you are NOT told is that the US LOST in almost every other area of space exploration! NASA tries to deny this even today as Communist China takes-up the baton for humanity and the International Working-Class! NASA lied in the past – and it lies today – fabricating false achievements about this planet or that asteroid – whilst China’s Space Programme continues to make incredible strides!

My Great Uncle (who fought during WWII) – used to visit the USSR during the Sumer as he pursued the hobby of “Photography”. This was in the days when a camera possessed a film – which had to be developed through the careful use of chemicals and a dark-room. My Great Uncle (a former Cold Stream Guardsman) did all this himself – as these abilities defined the hobby in those days – very different to today’s digital photography. As the Soviets developed first-class lenses, cameras and filming technology – my Great Uncle would travel to the USSR to attend lectures about Advanced Optics – and purchase new camera technology. He would also fly throughout the USSR on very cheap (Proletariatally cheap) air tickets, etc. I knew him as a child (he passed away in the early 2000s) – but he never told me about his hobby or travels to the USSR (he spoke to me continuously about British military history). It was from one of his younger relatives who explained to us what his hobby was – and about his travels to the USSR. My suspicion is that he was a Liberal or a soft Tory – but not necessarily a Socialist – unless he kept it well hidden!

Interestingly, China has developed camera technology far in excess of the quality found in Japan or the West. This advanced camera technology is now fed into all Huawei technology – as well as other leading brands produced within China. Space Exploration – like Military Technology – often becomes fed into Civil Society once the upper limits of achievement has moved onward. It is this older Space and Military technology that is fed into Civil Society – and which transforms society for everyone living in it. Apollo 11, for instance, possessed a computer similar to that which operates most ordinary washing machines (the washing machine is believed to have positively altered human society to a far greater extent than the internet). The internet started as a US attempt to use telephone technology as a “spying” device in every room of the world. The idea was to develop a unifying computer technology which linked all telephones together so that they become, whether in use or not as an analogue communication device, a transmitter of all noise operating around or within the local vacinity (a function unknown to the owner) – broadcasting all this data to a Central Listening Headquarters in the US. A similar situation exists today – with all your emails, posts and other written sources of data uploaded onto the internet. All is observed, recorded and filed away by your National Governments – which report to the US.

Predatory capitalism is dishonest and devisive – this is why it is the essence of racism and class discrimination. The US develops technology to kill you – whilst the Socialist regimes develops technology to enhance and progress all of humanity (whilst having to protect themselves from US aggression and evil intent). As I write, the Israelis are using experimental US weapons upon the bodies of innocent Palestinian men, women, and children. The complicity of the Western world in this genocide is a manifestation of exactly the same “White” capitalist ignorance that justified Slavery and the murder of Native American Indians! Such is the difference between predatory capitalism and Socialism!