Japan - Animals More Important Than Humans!

Japan Apologises for Two Animal Deaths – Whilst Refusing to Apologise for Its 1930s & 1940s War Crimes! (7.1.2024)

Author’s Note: A Japanese Airline has ‘apologised’ for the deaths of two-animals travelling in the hold of a crashed airliner – whilst routine cruelty to animals in Japan is well-known. As post-1945 Japan is both a colony and ally of the US – everything repugnant to US cultural sensitivities is played-down and instead falsely ‘projected’ upon (Socialist) China! China’s CPC-led great development of Animal Rights is continuously ‘ignored’ by the US and Western-media and so fake puff-pieces such as can be seen below – are published to divert the short attention-span of the West! Meanwhile, whilst the Japanese Airline in question stresses it places the sanctity of ‘human life’ above that of privileged animals – the lost lives of millions of ordinary men, women and children murdered throughout Asia and China during the 1930s and 1940s by the Imperial Japanese Forces (including three failed conflicts with the USSR during 1938, 1939, and 1945) – are ‘ignored’ and even ‘denied’ by successive Japanese governments! ACW (7.1.2024)

Japan Airlines has apologized after two pets died in the accident.

Japan Airlines has apologized after announcing that they were unable to rescue two pets that had been checked-in on the flight from Sapporo to Tokyo that caught fire after a collision with another airplane.

On JAL flight 516, there were two instances of checked-in pets. Unfortunately, we were unable to rescue the checked-in pets. We offer our deepest condolences.

“Regarding the checking in of pets, we take this responsibility with the understanding that we are taking care of a member of our customer’s family. We deeply apologize for the immense worry and inconvenience this incident has caused to our customers, their families, and all related parties.”

Animals that are checked in are treated as baggage, and human life will be given top priority in an emergency.

However, the air conditioning is controlled so that the temperature and humidity in the cargo compartment is the same as in the cabin, and other measures are taken to ensure safe transportation.

The airline says it is very unfortunate that the lives of the animals could not be saved this time.