Bullets Are Still Flying!

USSR: Remembering the Great Working Class Victory of WWII! (9.5.2024)

USSR - 15 Countries That Defeated International Fascism!
USSR – 15 Countries That Defeated International Fascism!

Modern (capitalist) Russia has turned the “May 9th” Commemorations into something of a nationalist fetish – as if Russia (and Russia alone) – took on Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan. Further lies proceed from the false ideas that Russian religion (and superstition) and its racial cohesion – provided the foundation for this victory. This is neo-liberal, post-1991 nonsense. The USSR was comprised of 15 countries that were multi-racial and multicultural – at least three of these Republics were “Buddhist” – with others being Islamic. The Russian (and Eastern) Orthodox (Christian) priests and monastics should have been working for peace (acting in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ) – so how these “pacificist” ecclesiastics contributed toward a victory in a brutal war is difficult to comprehend.

Red Flag Over the Reichstag!
Red Flag Over the Reichstag!

Modern Russians are not taught about Marxist-Leninism, or the Socialist meaning of the Red Flag or the Hammer and Sickle emblem. Modern Russians are not taught that millions of school children throughout the Soviet Union were taught (non-racial) “Internationalism” through Marxist-Leninist education. Modern Russians do not understand that the Soviet Red Army of Peasants and Workers fought the fascists not for national gain or national survival – but rather for the liberation of the International Working Class! The ideology of Marxist-Leninism granted the people of the USSR the strength and ability to sustain 41 million casualties (killed and wounded) between 1941-1945 – despite much of the entire (reactionary) world choosing to act against the USSR!

Many in Modern Russia Do NOT Understand the “Socialist” Purpose of this Image!

Modern Russians commemorate the sacrifice but not the purpose. Russian soldiers carry the Red Flag but possess no connection with Socialism. The Hammer and Sickle emblem will be seen everywhere throughout Russia – but children are now taught it implies the “Russian race” and “Russian fighting spirit” – when in fact it means none of these reactionary things. Fourteen other countries contributed troops to the Soviet Red Army – which was NOT just “Russian”. Modern (capitalist) Russia distorts as it remembers – merely because its government is afraid that such symbols might inspire another wave of Socialist consciousness throughout the Russian mind and body. The revival of the USSR is just as feared in Bourgeois Russia as it is in Bourgeois America! This is why so many ethnic Russian authors regurgitate the old American prejudice against the USSR – as if such idiocy was entirely their own inventions!

Millions Suffered Permanent Disabilities in the Soviet War Against Fascism!