Hammer & Sickle AK-47

Marxist-Leninism: Away With the Filth That is Predatory Capitalism! (20.1.2024)

Юнион Джек серп-молот
Юнион Джек серп-молот

The UK has been ‘modern’ and therefore ‘capitalistic’ at least since 1539 CE – when King Henry VIII issued his ‘Dissolution of the Monasteries’ Edict – thus breaking-up the hegemonic power of the Vatican. This dramatic and fundamental change in UK culture eventually led to the English Civils Wars of the 1640s and 1650s – which saw the Bourgeoisie (Middle Class) wrestle political power (and control of the means of production) from the Aristocracy (abolishing an absolute monarchy along the way). This situation still exists today, with the British Republic (administered by Parliament) obscured by the pretence that is a ‘Constitutional Monarchy’.  Today’s members of the roal family are nothing but ‘Civil Servants’ employed by Parliament in the name of the British people. This is why the British monarchy a) has no governmental power, and b) does not control the day-to-day running of the country.

If the contemporary royal family attempted to issue Edicts – such as those perpetuated by the very real monachal power of Henry VIII – then this ‘Constitutation Monarchy’ would be immediately abolished. Why is this the case? Well, as the Bourgeoisie seized controlled of the means of production as the axe fell on the neck of King Charles I in 1649 CE, as a class, it will not relinquish this political power without a fight! The Aristocracy will never rule this land again – and neither will the workers – if the Bourgeoisie has its way! This is backed-up with the development of predatory capitalism. Henry VIII – after abolishing the system of feudal duty and the private (heredity) armies of the various Lords – ordered around 75,000 impoverished former peasant-warriors to be hanged from trees up and down the roads and lanes of the UK! This may be interpreted as the first attempt at solving the mass unemployment caused by the capitalist system at its inception – when no one really knew what ‘capitalism’ was – or even how to acquire paid employment!

After nearly 500-years, the UK has a very well developed (predatory) capitalist system. This system has spread around the world and sucked-in (through imperialist theft) the wealth of many nations – thus impoverishing these nations. The UK is immensely rich with 90% of this wealth being controlled by just 10% of the population. This means that 10% of this wealth is currently shared by 90% of the British population. I find this an incredible statistic which might vary slightly around the edges – but which never changes in proportion – or is allowed to change. It was only the 1945-1950 Labour Government which was allowed to tinker with this equation through re-distributing this immense wealth through the Welfare State and the National Health System – both of which have been slowly but surely eradicated since that time. Why was this imbalance in wealth permitted to be altered between 1945-1950? It was because the mighty Soviet Red Army had just fought a four-year battle against Nazi Germany (and its Axis allies) – with the Soviet State losing 41 million men, women, and children (killed and wounded) – poised on the demarcation-line running through Berlin!

When Winston Churchill, just as the fighting was dying down in Berlin, asked his officials to workout how many Divisions the UK and US would need to take-on and defeat the Soviet Red Army in Berlin. He was advised that at least 50 Divisions would be need, but even then – victory could not be ensured. The likelihood would be that the Soviet Red Army would easily sweep through Western Europe and into the UK – ‘liberating’ the working-class as it went! After-all, it was the Soviet Red Army that had performed most of the fighting against the Nazi German regime – the Soviet sacrifice of which – allowed the Western allies to successfully invade, occupy and liberate Western Europe. My Western grandfathers survived WWII (in-part) due to this Soviet sacrifice. This allowed the bravery of my grandfathers to shine-through and prevail against the Nazi German juggernaut! As matters stood, many thought Churchill to be insane, with someone in his close circle ‘leaking’ his potential plan to the Soviets. When Stalin was informed – he instructed the Soviet Red Army to be quietly put on a ‘hidden’ alert!  Churchill put his idea on hold – but would feed this insanity into Truman’s Cold War idiocy.

As for Socialism, the UK has the immense wealth that Marx wrote about. We do not have to generate the wealth (as other countries need to do) as we already possess it. The UK’s Bourgeoisie has stolen untold amounts of wealth from others – whilst the UK’s working-class has produced virtually everything that is used today in our advanced society! Away with it all! The working-class must seize the means of production from a genuine Marxist-Leninist perspective – and not from a Trotskyite or reactionary leftist position (as this will only result in a counter-Revolution). This trashy (capitalist) society must be swept away! The poor must be given free money, free housing, free education, free healthcare, and properly protected employment! Children will be given everything they need to survive birth and grow-up as Socialist Revolutionaries! Women and girls will be lift-up through progressive legal and cultural reform! Disabled People must be immediately protected, privileged, and apologised to for the despicable treatment they have been subjected to. This includes the Tory and LibDems murder of 120,000 People with Disability between 2010-2016 and beyond. Those with wealth must be scrutinized as to the origin of that wealth – and I do not care about what such parasites think about this policy! The Police and Military will become ‘Red’ – and those who have committed historical crime will be held responsible! The UK will work for International Revolution whilst withdrawing from NATO and any other Bourgeois institutions and establishments! The EU will be ‘banned’ and declared ‘illegal’. The UK will annul every treaty and understanding with the US whilst forging ‘Internationalist’ links directly with American workers. The Union Jack will be placed in the corner of the Red Flag festering a Hammer and Sickle! To hell with capitalism and reactionary leftism!