Nauru Republic

Nauru: World’s Smallest “Republic” Abandons Taiwan and Embraces “One-China” [Again]! (15.1.2024)

Blogger’s Note: The non-White people of Nauru have been the historical victims of White and Japanese imperialistic encroachment, domination and general abuse. Needless to say, ‘White’ Australia has used the Island of Nauru to ‘dump’ the non-White Refugees its Eurocentric population does not want living amongst them. These non-White people who need legitimate help are forced into a White-manufactured conflict on the Island of Nauru – one fought between natives and incomers – and which ‘White’ Australian watch (chuckling) from a distance! Of course, the Bourgeois (anti-Socialist) so-called (and self-appointed) ‘Human Rights’ groups blame the non-White Nauru people for the continuing interference and abuse their nation suffers at the hands of the ‘White’ Australians! These groups include the Neo-Nazi and Zionist-supporting Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch – both of which remain eerily ‘silent’ at the illegal bombing of Yemen by the US and UK! Such groups have a long history of negligence and hypocrisy. The US, for instance, which has facilitated, armed and financed the Israeli-committed genocide which is ongoing in Gaza, carried out a diplomatic attack upon Nauru that last time the Republic attempted to bury a ‘Separatist’ Taiwan (between 2002-2004) – forcing the Islanders to reverse their decision. Bear in mind that the post-911 Bush Administration was busy defying International Law by destroying Afghanistan and Iraq at the time – whilst talking of Libya, Syria and Iran! I suspect the US threatened Nauru with the Australian military! During 1999, a number of US Banks ‘banned’ the use of the dollar on Nauru – due to the Island’s overly-friendly trade with a newly imerged capitalist Russia! Still, onwards and upwards! Let’s hope the democratic will of the Nauru people will this time be rewarded! China may well help with the thousands of Refugees that ‘White’ Australia routinely ‘dumps’ on the Nauru shores – and assist the development of the Nauru economy! ACW (15.1.2024)

(ECNS) — The Republic of Nauru announced Monday that it will recognize the one-China principle and sever “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan. 

In a post on Facebook, the government of the Republic of Nauru said that in the best interests of the country, it will be moving to the One-China Principle that is in line with UN Resolution 2758 which recognizes the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as the sole legal Government representing the whole of China and seeking resumption of full diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). 

“This means that the Republic of Nauru will no longer recognise Taiwan as a separate country but rather as an inalienable part of China’s territory, and will sever “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan as of this day and no longer develop any official relations or official exchanges with Taiwan,” the post said.

Since 2016, 10 countries have cut diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

SYDNEY, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) — The Republic of Nauru announced Monday that it will recognize the one-China principle and sever “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan.

In a post on Facebook, the government of Nauru said that it will follow the UN Resolution 2758, which recognizes the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and recognizes Taiwan as an inalienable part of China’s territory.

Nauru will no longer develop any official relations or official exchanges with Taiwan, stated the government.

Nauru’s President David Adeang will deliver a statement in this regard at the next parliament sitting, and a national address on local television and radio channels, the post said.

China appreciates and welcomes the decision of the government of the Republic of Nauru to recognize the one-China principle, break the so-called diplomatic ties with Taiwan, and to reestablish diplomatic ties with China, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Monday.

China stands ready to work with Nauru to open new chapters of bilateral relations on the basis of the one-China principle, said the spokesperson.

Nauru is an island country in the central Pacific, with a land area of 21.1 square kilometers and a population of about 13,000.