USSR & Israel - 1948-1953

USSR: Early Diplomatic Relations [1948-1953] with Israel! (11.1.2024)

Author’s Note: From the original Russian-language (2006) book – Yevgeny Primakov is described as fulfilling the following roles – he has been a ‘journalist, scientist and politician, a newspaper correspondent for “Pravda”, the Deputy Director, and then ‘Director’ – of the Research Institute of World Economy and International relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), Institute of Oriental Studies Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Head of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Minister Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Deputy of the State Duma of Russia’ – these achievements are included in the English (2009) translation – but are not fully included on the dust-cover. The USSR broke-off diplomatic relations with Zionist Israel following the bombing of the Soviet Embassy in Tel Aviv during February, 1953. However, just four months after the passing of Stalin (in March, 1953) – that is during July, 1953 – Soviet-Israeli relations were re-establihed through the influence of Nikita Khrushchev. The USSR finally broke-off ALL diplomatic relations with Israel (on a permanent basis) during the 1967 Six Day War. This was a massive racially-motivated (Zionist) land-grab hidden behind a false claim of ‘self-defence’. During 1975, the USSR led the world in having the UN officially declare ‘Zionism’ to be a form of ‘White Supremacy’ practiced by secular Jews. Today, as I write, the great people of South Africa are taking Israel to Court on the basis of the ‘Genocide’ its forces has been committing in Gaza against the Palestinian people. ACW (11.1.2024)

Modern Russia is a capitalist State – with its people clearly betraying the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Of course, this is not ALL Russian people – but those who possess power and influence and which ensure that the Bourgeois class retains control of the means of production over that of the working-class. Yevgeny Primakov has been a lifelong diplomat under both the USSR and modern Russia – and retains a clear and encyclopaedic knowledge of Middle Eastern affairs – with the obvious caveat that he is not an Arab and speaks as an outsider ‘looking-in’ at the events he describes. Many modern Russians take-on the US (and Zionist) dictate of continuously demonising the USSR – much in the same way both these entities currently engage in condemning contemporary Russia from defending its Western borders from incursions from US, UK and EU-supported Ukrainian Neo-Nazism.

Although I do not agree with everything Yevgeny Primakov says – I would say that his work is reliable, accurate and balanced. The (2009) translated book extracted below – has been linked above in its original (2006) Russian language publication. Many contemporary Russian authors follow the strictures of US anti-intellectualism and present Socialism as wrong, Stalin as insane – and anyone who attacks the Soviet System as being out and out heroes! I reject all of these interpretations. Although the USSR was the first country to recognise the illegal Zionist declaration of independence in 1948 – this mistake was soon realised when news of the Nakba permeated the Kremlin! Palestinians in their thousands were mass-murdered by Israeli Zionist thugs – whilst Zionist diplomats within the USSR propagated the falsehood that Soviet Jews were being brainwashed into accepting a ‘secular’ and ‘atheistic’ Socialism!

Even before the US-derived Cold War had been fully developed and implimented – Tel Aviv was propagating fake history and pseudo-ideology claiming as early 1948 that there is ‘no difference’ between the Nazi Germans and the USSR! This is despite 41 million Soviet men, women and children being killed and murdered by the Nazi Germans between 1941-1945! Furthermore, in the Western Ukraine area, the war against Catholic Ukrainian fascists led by non-surrendered Nazi Germany Officers lasted between 1945-1947 – and was fought by the extraordinary young men and women of the NKVD Special Forces. The Soviet Red Army had earlier traversed through the area (on its way to Berlin) – finding caches of US and UK-made weaponry and ammunition in the possession of liquidated Ukrainian Nazis. Joseph Stalin took the opinion that the Nazi Germans may well have captured these supplies and passed them on to their Catholic allies in the USSR – but others were less charitable. My own view is that the Zionists were agitating in the USSR during the late 1940s and early 1950s – and got away with it due to Stalin’s unfortunate passing and the rise to power of the Trotskyite coward – Nikita Khrushchev!