Marshal Joseph Stalin

USSR: Deconstructing the [1953] Doctors’ Plot – Exonerating Stalin! (11.1.2024)

Albert Axell – Stalin’s War Through the Eyes of His Commanders!

Author’s Note: Today, and since 1991, the false US-derived narrative interpreting (and demonising) the USSR is just as likely to be found in Washington as it is in Moscow – with the only difference being the former is written in American English whilst the latter is readily available in the Russian language. Modern Russia is capitalist and the ruling Bourgeoisie in that country has more in common with its Western counterpart than it does with the Proletariat which controlled the means of production throughout the fifteen countries that comprised the USSR. Therefore, many Russian-language narratives mimic their Western equivalents – all misrepresenting Soviet history. However, hidden behind these works of fiction is the reality of what really happened. Prof. Grover Furr, for instance, proves beyond a reasonable doubt that a Soviet protest against the racist excesses committed by Zionism arose within Soviet society and had nothing to do with Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin, as the elected General Secretary, was given the task of mediating the situation for the betterment of all Soviet citizens – both Jew and non-Jew – and this Prof, Furr proves that he did. It is only through the myth-making of Khrushchev that matters become inversed – with Stalin made-out to be the bogeyman. This is the preferred version favoured by the Trotskyites and the Western academics hostile to Socialism and non-bothered about establishing objective truth. I have a Cold War-era book (1980) published by Birmingham University in the UK which opines that Soviet scientists cannot be ‘trusted’ (despite their obvious successes) due to their loyalty to the Communist Party! This warped perspective seems to be suggesting that if the opposite were true – then Western scientists should not be trusted because such individuals are ‘loyal’ to the capitalist system and the capitalist governments and institutions that employ them. Such is the power of US anti-intellectualism! ACW (12.1.2024)

From a close reading of the Collected Works of Joseph Stalin (and associated texts) – it is clear that anti-Semitism did not exist throughout the fifteen countries that comprised the ‘Soviet Union’ – and that Joseph Stalin (as the ‘elected’ General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR) was not ‘anti-Semitic’. Indeed, Joseph Stalin (and the USSR) was the victim of pro-Zionist racism and propaganda (aimed at Stalin due to his Georgian origins), a myth perpetuated by representatives of the Zionist Israeli State post-1948 – and the story-telling of the arch-Trotskyite Nikita Khrushchev post-1956 (Mossad disseminated Khrushchev’s so-called ‘Secret Speech’ around the world in quick time). Although Stalin and his advisors falsely thought that Israel would be a Marxist-Leninist State – causing the USSR to become the first Nation State to recognise Israel’s illegal declaration of independence in 1948 – it soon became clear that the exact opposite was the reality. Furthermore, Israeli diplomats used their ‘immunity’ in the USSR to pursue a number of illegal activities which called for Soviet Jews to ‘rise-up’ and overthrow the Soviet State under the guise of ‘cultural activities’.

Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism, and it is remarkable that these two diametrically opposed concepts have been deliberately conflated, equated, and confused. If the two terms ‘fascism’ and ‘anti-fascism’ are used – then the distinction becomes pristinely clear. There are no logical grounds for ‘anti-fascism’ to be transposed with ‘fascism’ – or for ‘fascism’ to be confused with ‘anti-fascism’. Since 1945, however, a staple of US (Cold War) anti-intellectualism has involved a straightforward technique of inverting concepts, ideas, and facts, etc, when compiling a false historical narrative that requires the systematic denial of reality. ‘Black’ can be portrayed as ‘white’ – and ‘white’ as any colour the author wishes – just as long as the linguistic boundaries defining ‘meaning’ no longer apply to the written (or spoken) word. Therefore, from a llgical perspective the reality is as follows:

1) Zionism = Fascism practiced by ‘White’ (secular) and ‘atheistic’ Jews – and the non-Jewish supporters of such an ideology. Zionism can be used to persecute ‘religious’ or ‘Orthodox’ Jews who disagree with the excesses of the atheistic Jews and their non-Jewish allies.

2) Semitic = Relating to diverse physical, cultural, and religious characteristics of the ‘Semites’ – or that human lineage descending from a distinct subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language group that today includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic.

3) Anti-Zionism = Anti-Fascism – or the confronting of that distinct strand of ‘White Supremacy’ ideology that emerges from the European descendents of once ‘religious’ Jewry. Which despite its origins – now mirrors exactly the ‘White Supremacy’ of all (White) European racists.

4) Anti-Semitism = The irrational, profound and pervasive dislike, and hatred of the ‘Semite’ people(s) – although since the 1948 founding of the State of Israel has become limited to only the hatred of Jews. Anti-Semitism – when limited to only the ‘Jewish’ branch of the Semite people – refers to ALL Jews across the world and should not be used to refer only to the Jews living in Israel. When the Israeli Authorities perpetuated race-hatred against brown-skinned (Semite) Palestinian Muslims – the Western media refuses to recognise this racialised abuse as being ‘anti-Semitic’.

Where did this conflation between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism emerge? Zionism has always been fascistic even if various adherents have, from time to time, developed left-leaning tendencies. Prior to WWII (1939-1945) – particularly after the 1933 rise of Hitler – many Jews around the world unheld a type of ‘resisting’ or ‘disempowered’ Zionism which was designed to confront the rise of non-Jewish fascism (even the Black boxer Joe Louis wore a Star of David on his shorts in solidarity with world-wide Jewry). Albert Einstein, in his younger days, supported this ‘resisting’ Zionism – but his views changed considerably after 1948 following the Zionist murder of a UN Ambassador sent to investigate allegations of mass-murder, rape and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israeii troops and civilians during the ‘Nakba’. Leon Trotsky had never been a genuine ‘Bolshevik’ – but he had always been hungry for power regardless of how he achieved it. This led to him being expelled from the USSR in 1929 and taking-up a new life of agitating from afar. Although not permitted to live permanently within the US – Trotsky, as a ‘Jew’ – was welcome amongst the Zionist population of that country. As Israel did not exist at this time, the call for an exclusive Jewish homeland was a key attribute of Zionist ideology. This led to Trotsky receiving ample financial donations to encourage uprisings in the USSR in the hope that a large area of the Soviet territory could be annexed by milltant Jews, and a new nation built.

As the USSR had no choice but to confront Trotsky’s fascistic agitation – Trotsky and his Zionist-backers misinterpreted this reality as the Soviets resorting to ‘anti-Semitic’ tactics – when in fact the Soviet approach was entirely ‘anti-Zionist’ and ‘anti-fascist’, although the subtleties of this situation prior to WWII may well have been lost on many casual observers. As Trotsky also received backing from the Catholic Church and all the forces of Western (capitalist) reaction throughout the 1930s – the Zionist imput may well have become obscured in the rush to bring-down the USSR. The Soviet Union was heavily involved in fighting the forces of International Fasxism during the 1930s and 1940s – engaged in military action during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), against the Imperial Japanese (1938, 1939 and 1945), participating in the Anglo-Soviet Invasion of Iraq (1941) and the fight against Fascist Finland (1939-1940 and 1941-1944), etc. This anti-fascist offensive culminated in the monumental showdown between the forces of Nazi Germany and its Catholic allies between 1941-1945 – and the eventual raising of the Red Flag above the Reichstag! Although Trotsky had been eliminated by the NKVD in 1940 – the fascist forces he represented cost the Soviet people (between 1941-1945) around 41 million in dead and wounded.

Joseph Stalin was not anti-Semitic, and neither was the citizenship of the fifteen countries that comprised the USSR. It was Israeli (Zionist) propaganda which has perpetuated such lies – whilst omitting the fact that a Marxist-Leninist education removes all such inverted and racist ideas from the minds and bodies of its recipients. As modern Israelis are ‘fascist’ (Zionist) then it follows that every objective pursued by them in the Soviet Union was designed to destroy the Socialist regime, re-establish Bourgeois control of the means of production, and re-vitalise the functioning of predatory capitalism. Nikita Khrushchev, as a self-serving Trotskyite, ensured that the reputation of Stalin was destroyed after his death, that the Israeli (Zionist) agenda was firmly established and that the underpinnings of the Soviet State were severely weakened. This misrepresentation of the USSR is all part of a much bigger picture involving the penetration of history by the forces of US anti-intellectualism. Perhaps the pinnacle of Zionist ignorance involves the lie that there was ‘no difference’ between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union – or that the atrocities committed by the Nazi Germans (and ther allies) were really committed by the Red Army! This type of Zionist (fascist) duplicity knows no bounds. Lack of convincing or material evidence for the most bizarre or unlikely of events becomes the very reason such events must have happened – so speak the pro-capitalist and pro-Zionist historians!

As for the so-called Doctors’ Plot – this has all the hallmarks of an average Mossad operation. Nikita Khrushchev, as the head of the Ukrainian Communist Party, was told to fight to the last round and lead from front by the Kremlin during the 1941 Nazi German invasion of the USSR. After passing-on this order to his sub-ordinates – Khrushchev jumped on the last aeroplane out of Kiev and made his escape to Moscow – with Joseph Stalin knowing he was a coward. Alexander Werth comments on this episode stating that Stalin chose not to act against Khrushchev at the time due to the desperate situation in the USSR.

alexander werth - khrushchev the coward
Alexander Werth – Khrushchev the Coward – Boarded a Plane! Russia At War 1941-1945

Khrushchev developed a deep hatred for Stalin as a consequence and could not wait to denounce the Soviet victor over the Nazis. The narrative of the Doctors’ Plot as it is generally known today emerges from Nikita Khrushchev’s premiership of the USSR (1956-1964). The Doctors’ Plot was not thought-up by Stalin – but was reported to him by the NKVD (and other organs of State Security). Indeed, Soviet doctors who also reported that some of their medical colleagues were acting oddly – were persecuted by Khrushchev during his leadership – having their State Pensions and State Housing ‘cancelled’ as well as having their employment terminated (this action effectively ‘removed’ any and all tangible evidence proving such a plot existed). The Mossad-style intrigue involved the ‘slow-killing’ of key Soviet government personnel and official high-up in the Communist Party through medical negligence and medical maltreatment and malpractice. This ‘beheading’ of an organisation out of favour with the Zionists is a familiar tactic of the Israeli Authorities – although today the Zionists use missile and drone-strikes to achieve the same end.

Further Reading:

Moissaye J. Olgin: Trotskyism – Counter-Revolution in Disguise (1935)

The Communists (Communist Party of Great Britain Marxist-Leninist) – Doctors’ Plot


Joseph Stalin – Anti-Semitism January 12, 1931 – Reply to an Inquiry of the Jewish News Agency in the United States

Comrade Joseph Stalin – In answer to your inquiry:

National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.

Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.

In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

J. Stalin
January 12, 1931

First published in the newspaper Pravda, No. 329, November 30, 1936

Grover Furr, Khrushchev Lid, AAKAR, (2013), Pages 372-375

‘According to Soviet dissident Zhores Medvedev it must have been Stalin himself who put an end to the persecution of the “doctor-wreckers” in the press:

‘We can assume that Stalin called Pravda either on the evening of February 27 or in the morning of February 28 and arranged for the cessation of publication of anti-Jewish materials and of all other articles dealing with the “Doctors’ Plot”… In the Soviet Union at that time there was only one person who was able, with a single telephone call to the editor of Pracda or to the Department of Agitprop of the CC CPSU to change official policy. Only Stalin could do that…’

Medvedev further stresses the following point:

‘Stalin’s anti-Semitism, about which one may read in almost all his biographies, was not religious, nor ethnic, nor cultural (bytovym = based on lifestyle or mores – GF). It was political, and expressed itself in anti-Zionism, not hatred of Jews [iiudofobii].’ (Page 375)

Alexander Werth: Russia At War 1941-1945, Barrie and Rockliff, (1964)

Russian Language Book:

Russia and the Arabs from Cold War to Present – Yevgeny Primakov