Antonio Gramsci - Socialist

BMA (UK): Article Assessing George Galloway! (2.1.2024)

George Galloway - Antonio Gramsci - 2024
George Galloway – Antonio Gramsci – 2024

Readers should acquaint themselves with the works of Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) – particularly his ‘Prison Notebooks‘. He was imprisoned by Mussolini during 1926 and died of ill-health in 1937. Of course, for eleven-years his mind shone brightly whilst his body rotted in a fascist Itslian prison. Do not accept everything others tell you – but learn to think for yourselves. Although Gramsci’s body was incarcerated – his mind roamed free. Perhaps there is something of the ‘Buddhist’ about his writings – perhaps not – who knows? Gramsci had to ‘hide’ what he was really talking about from the prison guards so that he could communicate with the outside world whilst superficially appearing NOT to be resisting fascism or advocating Communism.

To this end Gramsci got very good at writing in a Socialistic code that deceived the (fascist) guards but which inspired his audience. Gramsci had to pretend to be one thing – whilst really being another. In his work Gramsci talked of taking over already existing Bourgeois establishments and ‘transforming’ them from within. In this method, Gramsci seemed to be advocating that an outright external (disruptive) Revolution was not required in the material world – only a slow but continuous process of internal ‘gutting’ was needed – which sees the Bourgeois innards fully extracted and replaced with their Proletariat equivalents! For Gramsci, the Revolution happens right under the nose of the Bourgeoisie – who cannot resist or prevent it from unfolding because they possess NO idea that it is happening! For my BMA (UK) article discussing George Galloway – please click the above link!