Сборная России по футболу

Football: How FIFA & UEFA Support Neo-Nazism in Ukraine by “Banning” Russia from the 2024 UEFA Cup! (7.6.2024)

Author’s Note: Scotland just played Israel at football – and won 5:0. Scotland should have refused to play Israel whilst Palestinians are being murdered. My view is that Neo-Nazi Ukraine – like Apartheid South Africa before it – should be “banned” from ALL international sport until the Neo-Nazi regime is dismantled and its previous democratically elected government is restored. An apology must be issued to the people of Ukraine and Russia – and to the world. Furthermore, all International Boxing should cease within Neo-Nazi Ukraine – and around the world where Ukrainians intend to compete. This should include the immediate stripping of the Heavyweight Title from Oleksandr Usyk – with his Boxing Record being completely expunged. The same action should apply to the Klitschko brothers – both of whom are members of far-right Christian movements and fully supportive of Neo-Nazism! As these far-right individuals have made millions off the backs of the workers – all their earnings should frozen and confiscated. This should apply to ALL Ukrainian Boxers – as their careers have been enhanced through unfair advantage. ACW (7.6.2024)

FIFA = Federation of International Football Associations

UEAFA = Union of Europrean Football Associations

During early 2014, the Obama Administration encouraged, financed and armed an illegal Neo-Nazi usurption of political power in Ukraine. This was intended to spread through the Crimea – surrounding Russia’s Westerner Border with US-controlled and NATO-friendly Neo-Nazi regimes – highly aggressive toward Russian sovereignty. The Obama-takover – spear-headed by the “Maidan” (Catholic) Neo-Nazi regime – overthrew the democratically elected, centre-left and pro-Russian Ukrainian government. The people of Crimea fought-back and rejected this wave of Neo-Nazism (formally joining Russia – following a Referendum) and was joined by the Ukrainian people of Central and East Ukraine! In Ukraine a number of “People’s Republics” were formed premised upon Socialist principles and defended by voluntary militias.

Backed by the West – the Maidan military junta brutally attacked and quickly destroyed the Central “People’s Republics” – and then besieged the two remaining Peoples Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk existing in the Donbass area. From 2014-2022 the “new” Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) – spear-headed as they were by various Neo-Nazi Military Units (such as Azov and Aidar, etc) – murdered around 15,000 men, women and children throughout Central and East Ukraine with around 100,000 refugees evacuated to safety into the Russian hinterland. Meanwhile, between 2014-2022 – tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers were wined, dined and trained in the US, UK and EU. This Hitlerite regime was further assisted by the US-owned Amazon Retail (Internet) Platform – which arranged for the mass re-publication of Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” – translated into Ukrainian and the many languages of the international volunteers that have been encouraged to flood into Kyiv – and join its Neo-Nazi Forces. As thousands of Israeli Defence Force (IDF) Veterans have willingly joined the “Maidan” war effort, copies of “Mien Kampf” have also been captured by Russian Forces – published in the Hebrew language – together with “Star of David” Flags bearing Nazi German “Swastika”.

The Russian Federation formerly recognised the LPR and the DPR in early 2022 – making these two countries “lawful” sovereign entities – and positively responded to requests for Military Assistance against the Western-inflicted death and destruction. Since that time the US (and its allies) has illegally responded with sanctions, political threats and further military aggression. The bourgeois Western media has fully collaborated with this distortion of reality by normalising the Neo-Nazism of Ukraine and demonising Russia’s legitimate “anti-Nazi” military response. Furthermore, the US has encouraged millions of Ukrainians to migrate to the UK and EU (despite no violence occurring outside East Ukraine) – where they receive free housing, free money, free school places, free childcare, free medical care, preferential jobs, free travel, and free leisure activities, etc. This happens whilst the US-controlled EU enforces the dismantling of all Socialised Welfare Systems, Healthcare Systems, Council Housing and Social Services throughout Europe and the UK! Whilst Neo-Nazi Ukrainians live well in the UK – the British people (who pay for it) are dying of medical neglect, disability, elderly abuse, starvation, and homelessness, etc!

Of course, the 2024 UEFA Cup is being held in Germany – the true home of Nazism which committed one of the greatest crimes the world has ever seen. Indeed, it was the Soviet Red Army that fought and broke the back of the once mighty Hitlerite regime – and yet it is the Germans who are playing football in this year’s UEAFA CUP – and the Russians who are not. The United States has caused total chaos, poverty and hardship by the stupid and pointless sanctions it has placed against Russia – which have had no effect upon Russia – but has rather destroyed the stability of the European economy. All this the Americans do in support of the Neo-Nazi regime it has imported in the Ukraine – the once proud spear-head of the Soviet Red Army – and the area within which the Nazi Germans (and their allies) carried-out the greatest amount of destruction during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

It is believed that the US government has ordered UEFA to “ban” the Russian National Football Team from the 2024 UEFA Cup held in Germany. Even the President of the Ukrainian Football Association (UAF) – Andriy Pavelko – has stated in interviews that he thinks Russia has not been allowed to participate in the UEFA Cup – because it was “demanded” by outside forces. “The Russians simply have nothing to prepare for. As these outside forces demand – Russia will not be in Frankfurt, Germany, on October 9th. At least until 2024, they will not be able to participate in official international football competitions. Euro 2024 will be held without Russia,” he wrote on social media. Those who administer UEFA cannot justify why it is discriminating against Russia – primarily because Russia has not broken the law whilst assisting the Republics of Donbass. Therefore, all UEFA can say (careful not to make any illegal statements) is that “the other teams do not want to play Russia” – or “We cannot be sure about safety!” And yet whilst the Israeli regime is committing “Genocide” throughout Gaza – condemned by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – no other nation has a problem with playing football with it, or of allowing Israel (which does not exist in Europe) to participate in the so-called “Eurovision Song Contest”.