Wil a Hung Parliament Be Achieved?

UK: Independent Left & Right Strive for Hung Parliament! (5.6.2024)

Wil a Hung Parliament Be Achieved?

It looks as if the political left and right will be using “Independent” candidates as a means to dislodge the current Tory Junta on one-hand – and prevent Labour and the LibDems from winning on the other. The progressive left is condemning Labour for purging its genuinely leftist members – whilst the reactionary (regressive) right is pursuing a punitive plan designed to teach the Conservative Party a lesson it will not forget for foisting upon the country a group of non-White MPs – in contradiction to the natural racism that pervades and defines the right-wing and far-right.

Indeed, wherever White people are congregating up and down the country – the talk that the mainstream media will not report is that the majority of White people detest what the Tories have down – all in the name of multiculturalism and appearing to take the centre-left ground from Labour. Whilst this is going on – the progressive left is also punishing Labour for its stance on the ongoing “Genocide” in Gaza – committed by the Israeli Armed Forces – using weapons provided by the UK and US. Kier Starmer – supposedly a Human Rights Lawyer – has been recorded (during a TV interview) as stating that Israel possesses the “right” to carry-out these War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity! 

What will happen? Interestingly, both the left and right are looking to achieve a Hung Parliament within which no single Party possesses over-all control. This would mean that the “Independents” would exercise an inordinate amount of political power and influence – prevent Labour, the Tories and the LibDems from following their usual neo-con policies in perfect sync with the US. It would also prevent the LibDems from attempting to take the UK back into the European Union (EU) – and hinder a UK government from continuously giving-up sovereignty to an out of control Brussels. Whether this scenario will play-out – only time will tell. As matters stand, a right-wing Labour Party looks like winning as a replacement for a failing right-wing Tory Junta that has spent its time placating the US and pursuing an obvious BJP trajectory!