Palastine: Freedom Fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades Release Two Elderly Prisoners! (24.10.2023)

Elderly Israeli Prisoners ‘Thank’ Their Palestinian Captors!

The Palestinian Freedom Fighters of the Al-Qassam Brigades – through Egyptian mediation – have released the two elderly (Israeli) detainees:

  1. Nurit Yitzhak
  2. Yocheved Lifshitz

This decision was taken by the Al-Qassam Brigades for compelling humanitarian and medical reasons.

I once read a Professor in the state that Israel is permitted by the US to carryout it’s continuous Human Rights abuses against the Palestinians (and any other group opposed to Zionist fascism) because the State of Israel – deliberately geographically placed where it is – serves the very important purpose of continuously ‘destabilising’ the Arab and Persian Middle East in the name of US regional interest. The US has given an insane (religiously motivated) State nuclear weapons and continues (from generation to generation) to arm the Israeli Armed Forces with every type of advanced, conventional and unconventional form of weaponry. Indeed, Osama Bin Laden (CIA Operative Colonel Tim Osman) premised the brutality of his originally pro-US Islamo-fascist movement (the Mujahadeen – which then morphed into the anti-US Taliban and Al Qaeda) on this Zionist fascist aggression – which also served as a model for the Christian fascist ‘Blackwater’ (private) military business founded by American (and former Navy Seal) Erik Prince and employed by the US government to kill the indigenous (Islamic) populations of Iraq and Afghanistan!

The Palestinian Resistance is an essentially left-of-centre Anti-Fascist Movement which is a response to US-backed Zionist (fascist) aggression in the region and has NO ideological links with the Islamo-fascism of the US or Obama – or the Islsmophobia of Israel. This reality explains why it is that ISIS (Al Qaeda) has never attacked Israel or issued a single statement in support of Palestine – and why Israel and ISIS have have joined forces in their attack upon Syria – one of the few Arab Socialist countries left in the world. Indeed, the US-supplied war-jets of Israel have been blanket-bombing the civilian population of Syria for sometime – with a deafening ‘silence’ emanating from the hypocritical West!

The hypocrisy of the Qatari-based Al Jazeera News Group is just as palpable as that of the West! Anyone who has taken the time to monitor the recent output of this Bourgeois, religionist broascaster – it is obvious that its controllers are terrified of insulting the Zionists – whilst tentatively attempting to side with the Palestinians. Whilst certain Al Jazeera Journalists truthfully reported on the War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity committed by the US Military Forces and Blackwater Mercenaries in Iraq – the same Journalists remain ‘silent’ about the fact that Palestinians are forced to live like this (by the fascist Israelis) for every day of their lives!

Furthermore, whilst complaining about US policy in Iraq (a Western invasion Al Jazeera fully supported – as the theocratic State of Qatar ‘rejects’ all forms of Arabi Socialism) – this Bourgeois newscaster has had no problem rebroadcasting the anti-China racist lies that emanate from Washington! It is doubly concerning as so many foreign correspondents who have visited Xinjiang – to investigate the genuine situation of the Uyghur people – have continuously confirmed that the US allegations of Human Rights abuses are nothing but racist lies! Many of these foreign visitors have been non-White Journalists, political dignitories and UN Representatives. All – except Al Jazeera Journalists – REJECT these US anti-China lies!