How the BBC ‘Lied’ About Tribal Life – As Part of the Post-2010 Cascade of Tory-Led Establishment Lies! (1.10.2023)

The “White” Bourgeisie of the UK Have Certain Racist “Viewpoints” of Non-Whites the BBC Strove to Represent!

I remember when Tory MP Chris Patten (who served under the odious Thatcher and duplicitous and incompetent Major governments) lost his seat at the culmination of the 1992 UK General Election – to the widespread applause of local people! Yes – John Major won the election for the Tories (despite Labour gaining the highest number of all votes cast) – but Chris Patten would not be part of the next five-years of Tory mismanagemrnt and corruption that would eventually lead to the ‘New Labour’ landslide of 1997! As a snub to British democracy and working-class disapproval of key Tory fogures – John Major ‘awarded’ Chris Patten with the Governorship of the former British ‘Colony’ and ‘Protectorate’ of Hong Kong!

Following around 150-years of utter disinterest, abuse and exploitation directed toward the ethnic Chinese population of Hong Kong and the New Territories (which included a stint of Britsh military ineptitude during WWII – leading to four-years of brutal Imperial Japanese dictatorship between 1941-1945 – and the British government allowing racist and abusive US GIs to spend their ‘Leave’ from killing Asians during the Vietnam War on the island during the late 1960s and 1970s) Chris Patten decided that he was going to ‘show the Communist Chinese what freedom was really about’ – and ‘rush-in’ all the elements of ‘Liberal Democracy’ (that the UK had slowly developed over a thousand-year period) in just a five-year period! Yes – between 1992-1997 (the date of the agreed ‘Return’ of Hong Kong to Chinese Sovereinty) Chris Patten would attempt to forcibly ‘indoctrinate’ the ethnic Chinese population of Hong Kong with ‘capitalstic’ Liberal Democracy – something denied by the British for 150-years in a Crown Colony run very much along the lines of an Apartheid State! Of course, Chris Patten failed.

After writing one or two ‘racist’ books about his time as ‘Hong Kong Governor’ – Chris Patten was ‘Knighted’ by the Queen (in reality – the British monarchy has no power and everything it does is ‘ordered’ by the British Parliament that controls it – in this instance the ‘Tories’). This is how ‘Lord Patten’ eventually ended-up as the ‘Chairman‘ of the BBC Trust on May 1st, 2011. The rot really set-in with the Tories and LibDems forming a ‘Coalition’ Government in 2010. The atrocities committed by this ‘Coalition’ are well-known and well-recorded – including the 2016 UN Report condemning the Coalition’s treatment of British Disabled People (cuts in welfare and healthcare which led to the deaths of more than 120,000 individuals between 2010-2015)! As the Tories intended to reverse the ‘ban’ on Fox Hunting (New Labour-derived legislation the British Police had only half-heartedly enforced) – stories started appearing in the British Press of urban foxes ‘attacking‘ young children! Subsequent investigations of these stories found NO corroborating evidence – with NO further stories appearing! At the time, of course, the BBC under Chris Patten avidly ran these ‘fake’ fox-attack stories!

The BBC was also central in assisting the Tories and LibDems in their attack upon the left-wing (Maoist) ‘Workers’ Institute’ – under the guise that an elderly South Indian man (over 70-years old) was effectively holding his adult (fantasised) daughter ‘hostage’ (despite the fact she could come and go as she pleased) – and that the communal ‘Internationalist’ membership of this organisation somehow constituted a modern slave-colony functioning in South London! There were arrests, a trial and a conviction all carefully coordinated by the British media with the BBC often taking the lead in racially (and morally) demonising the individuals concerned. This all coincided with the BBC openly supporting the actual Paedophile – Jimmy Savile – and a host of other BBC personalities implicated in genuine crimes! It is interesting that just as Chris Patten ‘had trouble with the Chinese’ – the BBC – determined NOT to make the same mistake, dealt swiftly with the (Maoist) ‘Worker’s Institute’!

Interestingly, I remember reading that the BBC followed the dictates of the US government during the 1970s and deliberately made very popular ‘fake’ science programmes attempting to convince the British people that a new Ice Age was coming – and that he had something to do with climate-altering technology being developed in the USSR! When the US government flipped the switch in the late 1980s – and altered the agenda to ‘Global Warming’ – the BBC was happy to lead the way in perpetuating a new type of hysteria (disposing of the likes of the questioning David Bellamy along the way) with the onus now being set on ‘everything is getting warmer’! Of course, in 2018, the BBC was forced to admit (through sheer weight of evidence) that its programme-makers had ‘lied’ during the filming of a documentary in 2011! Apparently, as the average ‘White’ person believes that tribal people ‘live up trees’ – the BBC Props Department was flown to Papua New Guinea to ‘construct’ convincing ‘living platforms’ built an impressive one hundred-feet up trees! Stunt Co-Ordinators were flown from the UK to ‘train’ each member of the Korowai people ‘how’ to convincingly climb the trees and to realistically ‘mount’ the platforms! All this information only represents a snapshot of BBC and British State ‘lying’ – and the fact we know about it is due to the ‘poor management’ skills of Chris Patten – rather than the opening-up of any great transparency in the British System!