Palestinian “Hungar Strikes” – Anti-Fascist Campaigners “Self-Sacrifice” in the Face of Zionist Criminality! (22.6.2023)

The leaders of the Islamic Bloc at Birzeit University have announced a “Hunger Strike” in protest against the continued abduction by the traitorous Palestinian Authority of the Student Council President Abdulmajid Hassan and a number of other Birzeit University students!

Approximately 50 students plan to join their hunger strike.

The 51-year-old sick prisoner Falah Shehadeh continues his “Hunger Strike” for the ninth day inside the Zionist Occupation Prisons. Falah embarked on this heroic hunger strike after he was transferred from the Zionist Naqab Prison to the Zionist Asqalan Prison by the Zionist Occupation entity in a blatant act of medical negligence. He is unable to receive the medical care he needs in the Zionist Asqalan Prison – which is an ‘Extermination’ Centre!

Prisoner Falah was abducted into the Zionist Colonial Prison System in 2004 and was sentenced by the illegal (Zionist) Courts to 27 years! He suffered from complications after an Endoscopy Procedure at the hands of negligent Zionist Doctors!


Prisoners Anas Shdid and Mahmoud Talahmeh continue their “Hunger Strike” for the fifth day – in protest of their (Zionist) Administrative Detention without charge or trial.
