South African Lawyers - Hague 2024

UN: South Africa’s Excellent “Genocide” Case Against Zionist Israel! (15.1.2024)

South Africa’s Excellent Legal Team Exposes Zionist Israel’s “Genocide” Throughout Palestine!

YouTube is a US-controlled social media platform, and just like all other examples of these entities, those who manage it make millions on a daily basis by doing virtually ‘nothing’ tangible or worthwhile for material society, support US governmental and neo-liberal policy without question. In other words, what was once (briefly) a vehicle for popular freedom (around 2005 during its inception) has become a purveyor of predatory capitalism! Even (fake) YouTube Channels (pretending) to be ‘Communist’ or ‘Socialist’ inundate their working-class viewers with cynical advertisements, commercial endorsements and other types of self-indulgent advertising campaigns.

Therefore, although I would usually seek out alternative video sources for important news stories – so as to avoid YouTube censorship – I cannot in this case due to the sheer length of the featured article. Just in case the excellent performance of South Africa’s ‘Internationalist’ lawyers is ‘removed’ for ‘violating’ YouTube rules – enjoy the presentation whilst it is still available! Of course, I do not trust YouTube, and I trust Qatar and its Newsagency of Al Jazeera even less. Qatar is currently the darling of the West and this explains why this non-footballing country was granted the highly lucrative FIFA World Cup! Qatar is currently funding and arming ISIS in Syria in its attack on the Arab Socialist regime of President Assad.

Furthermore, in pursuing this US-friendly policy – Qatar is acting in support of Zionist Israel whose US-supplied Airforce and missiles routinely ‘bomb’ the Syrian hinterland on a regular basis – and have done so for some years! Qatar is not alone in supporting Zionist Israel in Syria whilst opposing Zionist Israel in Palestine – as Turkey and Saudi Arabia are currently pursuing a similar US-friendly (anti-Socialist) and pro-Israeli foreign policy trajectory in Syria – whilst pursuing an opposition to Israel in Palestine! How would these countries respond if Palestine became ‘free’ and declared itself an Arab Socialist Republic – just like Iran? Interesting food for thought and an interesting story recorded in Max Blumenthal’s book entitled ‘The Management of Savagery’. Of course, I am no stranger in criticising Qatar and Al Jazeera – as my usual function is to counter Al Jazeera’s continuous attacks upon Communist China – which is a staple of its ‘fake’ news coverage regarding the PRC!