Lugansk People's Republic!

The Western Crimes Committed Against Modern Russia! (24.5.2024)

The Collective Weat has fully supported the US (NATO) drive to extend its influence and control right up to the boundary of Russia. This includes Ireland, UK, and the EU (led by Germany and France – but passively followed by every other country). This head-long rush to destroy Russian sovereignty and hegemony has included the Nazification of many former Communist Bloc countries “liberated” from Nazi German terror after WWII. Many of these Eastern European countries are Catholic and this fact alone explains their adherence to Hitlerite ideology. The US has surrounded Russia by a tightening ring of Neo-Nazi Juntas – all heavily armed and doing the bidding of NATO – fighting as proxies with the carrot of full membership status should the job of destabilising and taking-over Russian territory be successfully achieved.

The NATO proxy war in Ukraine is a clear case in point. To date at least 500,000 Ukrainian men and women have been killed so far in this US, UK, and EU-led invasion of the former Soviet Union. Between 2014-2022 – around 10,000 East Ukrainians were murdered by the military forces operated by the Neo-Nazi (“Maidan”) regime – which accepted volunteers from all over the world – including Israel. Tens of thousands of Donbass people were evacuated as Refugees into the safety of the Russian hinterland during this time. Although a number of “Republics” in and around East and Central Ukraine declared their “Independence” from the US-derived Neo-Nazi Kyiv Junta (such as Donetsk or Lugansk, etc) – the International Community refused to acknowledge this vital development – instead referring to these people as “Terrorists” and authorising the Neo-Nazi Ukrainians to use any and all military force to “punish” this Slavic resistance to US Neo-Imperialism!

Russia, of course, tried every political means to peacefully settle this matter – but the US was determined to extend NATO-control right up to the boundary of Russia. Russia has been subjected to one of the most racist and ignorant “Hate” campaigns the world has ever seen – with most Westerners quietly following on behind the deluded policies of their collective governments. The race-hate and anti-intellectualism aimed at modern Russia is far more intense than that vitriol and lies the US aimed at the USSR (effectively an attack on the International Working Class) – and is far-more aggressive than the bitter-sweet admiration the West aimed at Nazi Germany prior to WWII! The US chose Neo-Nazism because it is the ideology that offends all right-thinking Russians the most. Whilst Western countries like Ireland, Spain, Norway, and numerous others choose to “Recognise” the State of Palestine – none of these Western countries have dared to break-ranks with the US and declared the current offensive against Russia as being one of the worst violations of Human Rights the world has ever seen! None of these Western countries have had the guts to “Recognise” the Lugansk People’s Republic and Donetsk People’s Republic or condemn the military atrocities carried-out by “Maidan” Ukraine!