Neo-Nazi Ukraine - Swastika Flag!

UEFA: Time to “Ban” Neo-Nazi Ukraine from International Football! (8.6.2024)

Ban US-Backed Neo-Nazi Ukraine!

It is an open secret that the “Maidan” Ukraine regime is “Neo-Nazi”. Although funded and armed by the US, UK and EU – one of the first decrees issued by its unelected leaders was to “Outlaw” liberal democracy and democratic elections. Voting is forbidden within “Maidan” Ukraine – with “Maidan” Ukraine becoming one of the few countries outside of Nazi Germany (and certain “Catholic” regimes) to have “Banned” the Communist Party! Around 8-million Ukrainians from West and Central Ukraine (where this is NO fighting) – have been encouraged to relocate to the UK and Western Europe to claim their FREE houses, FREE cars, FREE school-place, FREE medical-care and FREE money!

This is happening whilst the US (and EU) are busy abolishing all Socialised organisations throughout Western Europe – causing tremendous suffering amongst the indigenous people. The Neo-Nazi Ukrainians are parachuted into impoverished locations – and unlike the local people – are seen to be given everything by the State. The local people are sat homeless on the side of the road whilst their relatives die of starvation, medical neglect and unemployment. This is how the bourgeoisie are exploiting the working class in Ukraine and in the West. We are spoon-fed antagonistic ideologies – and then give our lives defending this nonsense – as if such sacrifice is good for us! The Maidan (Catholic) regime must be uprooted and thrown-out of the Ukraine! The Ukrainian people must rediscover its Socialist roots and remember the days when the Nazi Germans murdered millions in their territory! Until that time, the Maidan must be punished just as Apartheid South Africa was prior to the 1990s. Neo-Nazi Ukraine should be “banned” from the UEFA Cup!