Racist Ukrainians

Ukrainian Migrants Complain About “Too Many Black and Asians” Living in UK! (26.1.2024)

The West is Beginning to Learn About the True Nature of Neo-Nazi Ukraine!

Whilst the Tory government ordered British schools to direct UK children to make pots of jam and construct Teddy Bears for Ukraine – what the British public were not told was that in 2014 the Obama Administration (fresh from handing Libya to ISIS) financed, armed and politically supported a Neo-Nazi take-over of the formerly centre-left and pro-Russian (anti-NATO) Ukraine! Since 2014, Liberal Democracy has been ‘banned’ – yes, that means NO democratic elections in Ukraine – whilst the East of Ukraine has been continuously bombarded for refusing to take the side of Neo-Nazism. When Russia attempted to have the UN pass a Resolution ‘banning’ the glorification of Neo-Nazism – the US, Ukraine and Canada voted against it – whilst the UK abstained.

Meanwhile, both Donetsk and Lugansk have formally broken away from Neo-Nazi Ukraine and declared their ‘Independence’ – which Russia has diplomatically recognised. This legal framework has allowed for these two new Republics to request Russian military assistance in their self-defence war against NATO-controlled Ukraine. The US has created the preteens of Russia invading the Ukraine and has allowed millions of Ukrainians to swamp the West with their rabid, racist and entirely criminal ‘Neo-Nazi’ ideology. This is symptomatic of the damage predatory capitalism has inflicted upon the minds and bodies of Ukrainians since the collapse of the USSR in 1991! The USSR was a land which Paul Robeson described as ‘being free from racism’! He would weep in despair today!