North Korea - Attractive to Chinese Men(?)

China: Five Great Attributes of North Korea! (9.6.2024)

Translated by Adrian Chan-Wyles PhD

Translator’s Note: This is an article that appears to be penned by a Chinese man living in North Korea – who chose to migrate to live in that country – from Mainland China. The original title in fact is gender specific (I have changed it to gender-neutral) and seems a little peculiar to Western-eyes. Why “Chinese men” only? I think that women travelling on their own might be a culturally sensitive subject despite both cultures being “Socialist” in essence and committed to the empowerment of women in general. It might be that men out-number women in China and perhaps marriages between North Korean women and Chinese men is viewed as a good idea. As North Korea is a small country – the population requires to be built and not diminished through emigration. The children of Korean-Chinese parents in the DPRK are brought up as “Korean” – whereas the Americans are attempting to destroy South Korean society by encouraging the emigration of Korean women to the West – and for Korean women to mix with White, Black and (non-Korean) Asian people – so that their children can migrate to the West (or elsewhere) and cease to “Korean”. This is a form of bourgeois “genocide” encouraged through a type of deficient (and deliberately destructive) race-mixing. It is not the interacting and natural mixing of different people through “Internationalism” – as it is premised upon the triumph of capitalism over Socialism by way of a sneaky eugenics programme! China and North Korea appear to be co-operating to combat this Western aggression. ACW (9.6.2024)

What is so good about North Korea? Why do Chinese men not want to come back after going there? The five following advantages are attractive:

North Korea – this mysterious country -has always attracted much attention from the outside world. However, in recent years, more and more Chinese men have gone to North Korea – but once they have set foot on this land – many are reluctant to return. What is the charm of North Korea, and why do Chinese men not want to return after going there? In this article, we will explore the five major attractions of North Korea.

1) Natural Beauty

North Korea has breathtaking natural scenery. The country is covered in mountains and forests, and its stunning scenery is picturesque. From the majestic Mount Paektu to the tranquil Cheonji Lake – North Korea’s natural beauty is intoxicating. With dense forests and clear rivers, it is a paradise for photographers and outdoor enthusiasts. Whether it is adventure, hiking, or simply walking in nature, people can experience closeness to nature.

2) Cultural traditions

North Korea has a rich cultural tradition, which is one of the reasons why Chinese men are attracted to it. The country has a long history, full of mystery and legends. North Korean culture includes colorful dances, music, paintings and handicrafts, which reflect the deep cultural heritage of genuine Korea. Participating in – or watching these cultural activities not only makes people feel the weight of history – but also gives a deep understanding of the lifestyle of the local people.

3) Food Culture

North Korea’s food culture is equally fascinating. There are a variety of delicious foods such as spicy kimchi and Korean barbecue – which are amongst the most famous. In addition, North Korea has unique cooking methods, such as bibimbap and cold noodles, which are full of different tastes and flavours. Tasting North Korean food is not only a culinary enjoyment, but also a way to understand the local culture.

4) Friendly People

North Korean people are known for their hospitality. Chinese men will feel a special treatment in North Korea, where local people often warmly invite them to participate in various activities, share food, and even invite them to family gatherings. This friendly atmosphere makes Chinese men feel at home and more willing to stay in the country.

5. Social Stability

North Korea is a relatively stable society with a low crime rate and harmonious life for its people. This social stability makes Chinese men feel safe and assured, and they can freely explore the country, make local friends and enjoy life. This is one of the reasons why they are willing to live in North Korea for a long time.

However, despite all these attractions, we cannot ignore some challenges and problems. North Korea’s political system and international relations have always been controversial, resulting in the country’s international exchanges being restricted.

This also means that Chinese men may face some special challenges in North Korea, such as restrictions on communication and information, and strict regulations and restrictions that foreign tourists are required to abide by. All of this requires Chinese men who visit North Korea to be fully aware to ensure their safety and security.

Another factor to consider is cultural differences. Although North Korea’s culture is attractive to Chinese men, there are also some cultural differences and different social habits. It is important to understand and respect local culture and customs, which will help integration into Korean society and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Finally, there is the question of long-term residence. While Chinese men may be fascinated by the appeal of North Korea, long-term residence here requires careful consideration. Issues such as education, medical care, and career opportunities need to be carefully considered. North Korea’s resources and opportunities in these areas are relatively limited, so long-term planning is needed.

In summary, the attraction of North Korea is irresistible to some Chinese men, but it also needs to be treated with caution. People who come here need to be fully prepared, understand the local situation, respect cultural differences, and consider various issues of long-term residence. North Korea may be a place full of unknowns and challenges, but it is also a country full of unique charms and opportunities.

Only with proper preparation can Chinese men better enjoy the experience this country brings and create their own unique stories in this beautiful land.

Chinese Language Text:


寻史谈今2023-10-30 17:33山西


1. 自然之美



2. 文化传统



3. 美食文化


4. 友好的人民


5. 社会安定






