Balloons Land in the ROK!

South Korea: Leaflets “Praising” Kim Jong Un Found on ROK Territory! (27.5.2024)

[Global Network Report Internship Reporter Wang Chen] According to a Yonhap News Agency report on March 22nd, 2017 – leaflets “praising” North Korea have been continuously discovered in the Gyeongsangbuk-do area of South Korea! In response, a relevant person in the South Korean military stated on the March 22nd that the leaflets praising North Korea are not specifically “espionage”, but might constitute an “act of espionage” committed by South Koreans citizens – if such leaflets are discovered and NOT immediately given-in to the US-controlled ROK Authorities!

The ROK Military spokesman is of the opinion that North Korea put these leaflets into balloons – and released them. On March 19th, more than 20 leaflets of five types – all “praising” Kim Jong Un and supporting nuclear weapons – appeared on Taokae-myeon farmland in Gumi City, South Korea. Chilgok County also discovered a similar distribution on March 8th and three on March 5th.

The leaflets, which are a quarter of the size of A4 paper, all praise Kim Jong Un and North Korea – or criticize South Korea and the United States. The South Korean military said that from March to July every year, when the wind blows southward, large numbers of balloons containing leaflets are spotted floating Southward and landing on ROK territory. There are about 10 types of leaflets found in Korea.

According to reports, more than 400 leaflets were found in Daegu Air Base and Yeongdeok County, North Gyeongsang Province during March 2016. In July of the same year, one leaflet was also found in Daegu’s Seongseong County and Seongju County. South Korean military sources oddly reported that artillery shells transported by similar Japanese balloons using airflow during World War II – once landed in Canada. The ROK Authorities, quick to dispel rumours that some of these leaflets were made in the ROK (by South Korean citizens tired of US colonial domination) – stated that North Korea annually prepares balloons carrying leaflets in advance – and releases them according to the direction of the wind!

Chinese Language Text:

【环球网报道 实习记者 王晨】据韩联社3月22日报道,最近,韩国庆尚北道地区不断发现赞扬朝鲜的传单,对此,韩军方有关人士22日表示,赞扬朝鲜的传单不是间谍行为,是朝鲜装在气球里放飞所致。