Liberating Waverley Abbey! 2024

Meditating & Meandering Through the Beautiful Ruins of Waverley Abbey! (11.5.2024)

We have visited this beautiful area a number of times over the last ten years or so – since discovering its existence. Indeed, I once wrote a published article about the Home Guard (WWII) Gun Emplacement which still exists at one end of the River Wey (by the entry gate to the grounds). We think the information board above might be a new edition – as we do not remember seeing it before. We certainly had no idea about the actual history of the Abbey and grounds.

Bridge of Wonder Wavweley Abbey!
Bridge of Wonder Wavweley Abbey!

This was a place where a group of Cistercian monastics (following the Rule of St Benedict) – also known as “Trappist” monks – spent years in silent contemplation of the Bible and their inner minds. The lifestyle of such a monk is designed to “still” the mind and empty the interior of all desire. Only when the mind and body of the monk is “empty” might God grant “grace” and make himself known – but he might not. Either way, once the monk is empty of all desire – the love of Jesus Christ can shrine view. The monk possesses no opinion and so the cycle of each da peacefully unfolds.

My Beautiful Family! Waverley Abbey!
My Beautiful Family! Waverley Abbey!
Waverley Abbey – Farnham!