Brave Yemeni People Resisting Zionist-fascism!

Anti-Zionism – Not A Threat To A Nice Cup of Tea! (13.2.2024)

I read, with a certain sense of hilarity, a scare story that is being fed through the British media claiming there will soon be a ‘Tea Shortage’ throughout our Sceptred Isle! Considering that the British Parliament once passed an Act ensuring that at least one year’s supply of tea should be kept as a ‘National Reserve’ – you may ask yourself why is this happening? Well, according to the Zionist-controlled media – the Yemeni protection of its own Red Sea (a perfectly legal act that only targets shipping re-supplying Israel with weaponry and other supplies) is apparently jeopardising the flow of tea from India, China and Africa into Britain! Of course, every major tea-supplier has denied this is the case whilst explaining that tea travels to the UK via completely different (and unrelated) routes!

Like all the disinformation that has intensified lately, such fake stories as this are designed to take the attention of a passive and supine population away from the fact that the International Court of Justice is in the midst of finding Israel guilty of ‘Genocide’ – whilst Israeli troops (armed by the US, UK and EU) continue to carry out the very atrocities the ICJ has already judged as being ‘Crimes Against Humanity’! It is the murder of 30,000 Palestinian men, women and children (and the wounding of 70,000 others) – by the Zionist-fascist IDF that is the problem – not Yemen’s Resistance to this Genocide (which includes the US and UK illegally bombing Yemen for doing so), or the fact that relatively well-off Westerners might be inconvenienced for a short time when waiting for a brew. Time for another cup of relaxing tea – me thinks!