Western Backers of Israel Complicit in Genocide!

Scotland and Ireland Pledge to Continue Their Funding for UNRWA! (29.1.2024)

28/January/2024 11:40 PM

Blogger’s Note: Whilst the UK (including Scotland and Northern Ireland) has given Asylum to tens of thousands of so-called ‘Refugees’ from Neo-Nazi Ukraine and riotous criminals from Hong Kong (giving these highly politicised newcomers free houses, cars, money, employment, education and medical care not granted to the native population that pays for it) – a ‘devolved’ Scotland (which is still part of the UK) and the ‘Republic of Ireland’ (which is not) – have decided NOT to follow the call of Zionist Israel for its allies in the West to cut all funding to ‘UNWRWA’, the key UN body that cares for displaced populations. Israel is pursuing this policy as a ‘punishment’ for the ‘International Court of Justice’ and its ruling confirming that Israel, its politicians and its Armed Forces have been committing ‘Genocide’ with regards to its policies in Palestine. Israel has concocted the fallacy that members of UNWRA ‘collaborated’ with Hamas during the October 7th breakout – whilst not being able to provide any tangiible evidence. Israel expects this call to be heeded whilst the US (and UK) continues to grant billions of dollars (and pounds) in aid to Israel together with endless supplies of dangerous and destructive (often ‘illegal’) weaponry! ACW (29.1.2024)

LONDON, Sunday, January 28, 2024 (WAFA) – The governments of Scotland and Ireland confirmed today their continuous funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

On his “X” account, Scottish Prime Minister Hamzah Yousef said that the Scottish government will not stop or withdraw aid provided to UNRWA, stressing the need to continue supporting the agency to ensure that aid reaches the residents of Gaza.

For his part, Irish Foreign Minister Michael Martin announced that Ireland does not intend to stop funding the “vital work” carried out by UNRWA in the Gaza Strip.

In a post on the “X” platform, the minister said that his country provided UNRWA with 18 million euros last year and will continue to do so this year.

He noted that UNRWA provides life-saving assistance to 2.3 million people, adding that more than 100 of its employees were killed in the past four months of Israeli aggression.