Trotsky's Insanity!

Trotsky’s Ridiculous Idea – “Fascism as the Highest Form of Capitalism”! (27.1.2024)

Grover Furr – Trotsky’s Lies!

A term hardly known today is that of ‘Internaltional Leninism’ – coined by the deluded Zionist – Leon Trotsky – to describe what he thought his own thinking represented! In fact Trotsky’ capitalist-friendly ideology is better termed ‘anti-Marxist-Leninism’! It is a regression away from Marxist-Leninism and a return to the feudal profit making of Czarist Russia inherited by the Soviet State. At best, Trotsky’ fascist-friendly musings are a combination of Russian capitalism and a centre-left Bourgeois trajectory designed to mislead the workers and prevent a genuine Marxist-Leninist Revolution!

Stalin did not create the Soviet State – but was rather the product of historical materialism mediated by a Marxist-Engels dialectic. Stalin did not create the Soiet State – the Soviet State created Stalin – whilst Stalin carefully and expertly developed the dialectical forces unleashed by Lenin and his Bolsheviks. Trotsky wanted to turn the historical clock backwards and wipe-out all of the USSR’s development under Stalin so that capitalism could re-emerge throughout the USSR as a means to placate the International Fascist countries of Germany, Italy and Japan.

Trotsky was nothing but an insane liar and lunatic – whose manic misinterpretation of Marxism has been expertly exposed by the work of Grover Furr! Trotsky actually believed that fascism represented the best example of organised capitalism – whilst Lenin – who detested Trotsky – (and his followers) was of the opinion that fascism represented capitalism in decline!

Grover Furr, Trotsky’s Lies, Erythros Press, (2019), Pages 115-118