The Issue of Zionism and Israel

Zionism, on the other hand, should not be confused with Jewish theology. Zionism is not Jewish theology, but Zionism is Eurocentric nationalist racism that assumes a ‘racial’ superiority for predominantly ‘White’ Jewish people of European descent. This has led to government policy in Israel openly discriminating against Jewish people of non-European descent (as can be seen with the treatment of the Ethiopian Jews), which has led to a racial hierarchy of ‘Jewishness’ in Israel premised upon ‘worth’ denoted entirely by skin-colour.

No War in Syria: US Embassy – London 15.6.13

This protest event was good-natured, well organised and discilpined. As protestors we were allowed up to the front-door of the US embassy. There was a moderate police presence, but the mood was relaxed with officers interacting with protestors and reading leaflets, etc. The police wore ordinary uniform and there was no riot gear evident. There was chanting from the crowd and many speeches made. A Socialist society would work to remove warfare as a means of human interaction, whilst establishing a justice and equality for all with exception.

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