Gee & Me - St Albans Abbey - 2024

St Albans Abbey: Interior & Enclosures! (29.5.2024)

Abbot, Abbesses and other Head Monastics were offered a life-long pension from the Crown amounting to 1% of the annual income of the monastery being dissolved. As St Albans made around £1000 per year – the Abbot received a guaranteed £10 per year – a very substantial amount for the time. The idea was to purchase their compliance. Those who resisted were tried for Treason and publicly executed. Henry gave away monastic property to his favourites – or sold it at a cut-price to other interested parties. All the accumulated gold, silver, copper, led and bronze, as well as gemstones – were sold into the public domain and effectively laid the foundation for a modern capitalist economy. This freeing of monastic treasure into the public domain represented a massive injection of wealth into the English economy – stimulating buying, selling and market speculation. When the movable wealth ran-out – the brick-work and foundations of many monasteries were dismantled and used to reinforce Henry’s castles along the coast – or in the case of Merton Abbey – to build Nonsuch Palace in Surrey! Whereas the monks were opposed to greed and grasping – a new secular society emphasised the exact opposite to get on. Now, greed, lying and cheating guaranteed the personal accumulation of wealth that could purchase a place to live, schooling, food, travel and leisure, etc. Of course, supporting Henry often guaranteed social climbing. Modern capitalism was invented in England by Henry VIII.

Joseph McCabe: The Anatomy of an Anti-Soviet ‘Lie’! (18.3.2023) 

The point being here, that for all his evilness – Adolf Hitler (who really did ‘kill’ verified millions) – is far more acceptable to the Bourgeoisie once his ‘National Socialist’ regime has been militarily defeated (ironically by the ‘Socialists’), and its threat to the dominance of the world ‘capitalism’ firmly removed! In Russia and China no one believes that their greatest leaders killed millions of people – as there are no bodies, no graves and no grieving masses. The Bourgeoisie, realising the practical weakness in their argument, decided that in Cambodia (Kampuchea) a new approach was needed – and the remains of the tens of thousands of innocent Cambodians killed in the illegal blanket-bombing (and military invasions) of that that country carried-out by the US during the Vietnam War – were simply ‘piled-up’ for tourists to gawk at – and see just how ‘evil’ Socialism can be!  

USSR: All-Union VI Lenin Pioneer Organisation! (19.5.2022)

Therefore, most Bolsheviks (including Lenin) possessed a dim view of the Scouting Movement – declaring it thoroughly bourgeoise and decadent in nature – and seeing it as a serious encumbrance to building a Socialist State! Furthermore, even at this time, paedophilia had raised its ugly head in the Scout Movement in Russia, (following the tradition developed throughout Western Europe), which saw older men in authority sexually abusing the young boys entrusted into their care. This reflected the tradition of child abuse prevalent throughout the Protestant and Catholic Churches in the West – which was well represented throughout the priesthood of the Russian Orthodox Church! Although the children of the rich were sometimes targeted – the establishment figures preferred to also to target the children of the peasantry knowing that their parents could do nothing about it!

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