Sutton Friends of Palestine - 2024

South London: Sutton Friends of Palestine – March! (29.6.2024)

We are not members of “Sutton Friends of Palestine” – and were not officially on this march through Sutton today (June 29th, 2024). We were shopping in the centre of Sutton and saw six Met Police Contables stood triangulated in two groups of three (all looking into the centre of each formation – as if engaged in deep and meaningful conversations). Technically speaking, the Police are present to keep the peace – but in recent (and much bigger protests) against Israeli criminality in Gaza – arrests have been made seemingly in support of Zionist oppression against the Palestinian people. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) have made rulings that the military forces of Zionist Israel have been – and continue – to commit War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, and acts of “genocide” against the people of Palestine. This Israeli genocidal campaign is being carried-out by the so-called “Israeli Defence Forse” (IDF) using US, UK and EU-supplied weaponry!

Sutton Friends of Palestine – Opposing Israeli Genocide  – June 29th, 2024

There was about 20-30 people in attendance of the march organised by the Sutton Friends for Israel. We have lived in Sutton for decades and have seen a number of left of centre political groups come and go – but it is curious that despite all our contacts related to the left-wing and far-left movement – absolutely no one told us about the existence of this group. Of course, we support the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) – and I often translate their Arabic-language articles into English translation.

I have no idea what the internal politics are for the Sutton Friends of Palestine – as all these groups are affiliated to this or that orientation. As matters stand, this group formed-up in Trinity Square situated to the left of the Waterstones Book Shop. I over-heard that they would soon be marching through Sutton High Street. We tried to acquire a leaflet – but was told that there were none – but we could “purchase” a badge – which seems a little lax. Leaflets can and do travel far and wide (see the “update” below). We are Veterans of protest marches in the UK – most through Central London and involving millions of people! The anti-Israel marches have usually attracted huge numbers – primarily of Muslim people and their supporters. Perhaps half of this group were Muslim people.

Update: A colleague met a representative of this group around a week ago in the Sutton area – and was given a leaflet – which he has kindly shared with me. Please see below: