Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Trench Full of Dispirited Troops!

Donbass: Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Troops “Surrender” to a Single Russian Soldier! (20.6.2024)

Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Trench Full of Dispirited Troops!

I have seen hundreds of combat-footage videos. The US government diverts this media onto right-wing and far-right “shock” videos – disinforming as this process unfolds. Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) shoulder badges – that identify the Neo-Nazi Unit and national origin – are blurred-out so that the racist audience can be told that the images represent “Russians”. Therefore, piles and piles of broken and dead Ukrainian troops (killed attacking Russian positions) are falsely presented as being “Russian” – and proof of the assertion that Neo-Nazi Ukraine (and therefore “NATO”) are “winning” when in fact the exact opposite are true. I know this because I have received the same “uncut” images – from non-US sources – where the shoulder-badges are NOT deliberately obscured.

I have seen the battered and dead bodies of British, American, Polish and French Foreign Legion casualties – spread over wide areas – or strewn throughout trench-networks, etc. The US proxy-war in East Ukraine has been active since 2014 – when the Obama Administration sponsored the Neo-Nazi overthrow of the democratically elected government – and certainly did not begin during early 2022. Both Lugansk and Donetsk have legally declared their “Independence” – and Russia has carefully followed International Law in recognising these Republics and coming to their economic and military aid. The AFU has lost around 500,000 casualties whilst supporting US foreign policy aims between 2022-2024. The AFU troops above are lucky – and obviously crushed in spirit.