Yemenis participate in a rally in Sanaa, Yemen, on Jan. 12, 2024 to protest the U.S.-Britain joint retaliatory airstrikes on the group's camps.

Yemen: Houthis Successfully Target Greek-Owned Vessel in Red Sea! (17.1.2024)

This screenshot captured on Jan. 12, 2024 shows Yemen’s Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea making a statement. (Xinhua)

Blogger’s Note: When the US overthrew the democratically elected, pro-Russian and centre-left government of the Ukraine in 2014 (replacing it with the Catholic-backed Neo-Nazi ‘Maidan’ Junta) – the Yemen people overthrew their pro-US and pro-Israeli government and implemented a left of centre and anti-Zionist government! What is the difference? Well, the US, UK and EU immediately coerced the world into recognising the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Junta (with the intention of extending NATO and the EU to the borders of West Russia) – whilst REFUSING to recognise the popular uprising and self-determination of the Yemen people due to is Socialistic nature and pro-Palestinian position! Indeed, rather comically, the West has maintained the Embassies of the old Yemen regime (both ‘real’ and ‘online’) since 2014 – as if Yemen is now controlled by a spectral presence outside its own borders! As a protest to the (illegal) US-UK bombing of Yemen for its opposition to the ongoing Zionist genocide against Palestine – we sent this email to the so-called ‘Yemen’ Embassy in the UK:

Monday, 15 January 2024 08:41 –

‘My Dear and Brave Comrades of the Yemen!

Myself, my family and friends wish to thank you – as a nation – for your brave stance in supporting the people of Palestine against Israeli (Zionist) aggression – and to offer a sincere ‘apology’ for the behaviour of the UK’s ‘unelected’ (Tory) government which is not representative of the average British working-class person! 

As a British person, I (like millions of others) feel a sense of shame that the British Royal Airforce (RAF) – which once so bravely defended the UK during the Battle of Britain (against Nazi German aggression) – has now been so wrongfully deployed against the people of Yemen in an unprovoked act of illegal military aggression!

Our thoughts are with the people of Yemen who continue the fight – and our sadness lies with the Yemeni victims of Britain’s aggression! Israeli Zionism is fascism and the Yemeni people are standing-up for what is right, good and correct! Long Live the Republic of Yemen!

Yours Sincerely

Adrian Chan-Wyles – Sutton – London’

As to whether the actual government of Yemen monitors this page I do not know – but the news stories have not been updated for nearly a year and appear oddly out of touch with the reality of everyday life. Whatever the case, at least the unelected Tories will see that not all British people support the criminal acts of their unelected (Tory) Junta! Finally, the (racist) Western media habit (mirrored here by Xinhua) is to draw a false distinction between the ‘Houthi’ people and the entire people of ‘Yemen’ – as if the popular government of Yemen (since 2014) does not represent the entirety of the Yemen people! Despite the Tory-ordered (illegal) acts perpetuated by the RAF – the Yemen State has still been able to freely fire missiles at ALL shipping assisting Zionist Israel in its ongoing genocide against Palestine. ACW (17.1.2024)

ADEN, Yemen, Jan. 16 (Xinhua) — The Houthi group confirmed Tuesday that its naval forces struck freighter ZOGRAFIA in the Red Sea, claiming that the vessel insisted on heading for Israeli ports despite the group’s warning.

In a televised statement, Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea said the group’s naval forces fired several missiles at the Greek-owned, Malta-flagged ship after its crew ignored warnings and continued sailing toward Israel. The spokesman claimed that the missiles directly hit the ship, with the resulting damage or casualties still unclear.

The attack was carried out in protest against Israel’s ongoing blockade and hostilities against the Gaza Strip, said the statement, adding that such attacks would continue until the Israeli blockade and aggression end.

The vessel ZOGRAFIA was hit while sailing northbound in the Red Sea, 76 nautical miles (141 km) northwest of the Yemeni port of Saleef, Greek national news agency AMNA has reported, citing Greek shipping ministry sources.

According to early information, the freighter, with 24 crew members on board, has sustained serious damage, which has not impaired its seaworthiness for the time being.

The attack came less than a day after Houthis claimed responsibility for firing a missile at Gibraltar Eagle, a U.S.-owned oil tanker sailing in the Gulf of Aden.

Tensions have escalated in the Red Sea following U.S.-led airstrikes on Houthi military targets after repeated Houthi attacks on commercial ships.

The Red Sea tensions have raised concerns about maritime security in the strategic waters. Maritime authorities are urging all ships transiting the Red Sea to exercise extreme caution and maintain vigilance against potential attacks by the Houthi group.

The Houthis have controlled much of northern Yemen, including the capital Sanaa and the strategic Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, since ousting the internationally recognized government in 2014.